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School success and waste…!!

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aIsmail Filali
304 thousand and 068 students who passed the baccalaureate exams, and 334 thousand and 664 students who left school for the streets.
Based on this difficult equation, it seems that the Moroccan public school is living in a foggy, illogical and unjust situation, despite the successive reforms that were launched to confront the imbalances of the educational system; This failure comes as a result of the policies that have been put in place during the last two decades to raise the quality of the educational and educational system, including the emergency program in which more than 50 billion dirhams were wasted, without achieving any significant progress, and without prosecuting the spoilers who wreaked havoc on it, and also among them The strategic vision of reform 2015/2030, which devoured billions without reaching its goal, and here we are before a new road map for education reform that resulted from the national consultations on public schools that were carried out by the guardian ministry, which extends from 2022 to 2026; Despite this, the reform has not yet entered the study departments that hide within their walls a real tragedy for education in our country, and the situation has worsened due to the continuous protests of the educational frameworks; Public school students are considered the main victims of this flabby situation, which strikes the principle of equal opportunities and nullifies every trace of equality, which is considered a constitutional right compared to the reality of schooling for students who continue their studies in the private sector. This situation has resulted in an increase in the number of school leavers and those who are dismissed, or what is called In the educational field, school dropout, which has become a structural and structural phenomenon, is one of the biggest obstacles that impede the development of the educational, learning and educational process in the country; Despite the attempts made by the Ministry of Will to confront school dropout; The reality remains contrary to all aspirations and dreams.. Official data indicate that nearly one and a half million Moroccan students left school during the academic seasons 2019/2020/2021/2022, in addition to 334 thousand and 664 students who will leave school to the streets in this year. The year (2023) according to the official statistics of the Ministry, is already distributed among the levels of primary, preparatory and secondary education… Through these frightening numbers, it seems that school dropout is on the rise, and the number is large, given that Morocco has been raising compulsory education for years and raising the slogan of quality and Governance and good management are numbers that should disturb those responsible for the conduct of educational affairs, headed by the Minister of National Education, directors of academies and regional directors, and push them to search for tangible solutions and adopt new educational approaches and effective measures to reduce this phenomenon, with which education reform will not be correct. … Yes, there are many defects known to the education and training system at the level of financial, administrative and educational management; But what is dangerous about it is this phenomenon in which the “children of the future” leave school and go to the streets to face the bitter reality and hardships of life early in their miserable lives. A memorandum recently completed by the High Commissioner for Planning revealed that the number of active working children in Morocco during the year 2022 reached 127. A thousand children between the ages of 7 and 17 go to work every morning instead of school, to be exploited in the worst way… In addition, many of them who did not find work, even if it was hard, are destined to deviate and commit crimes, or search for riding the waves of death to reach ( Paradise of Europe), and the most dangerous thing is that they will return to double the numbers of illiteracy, as they will miss the writing and reading alphabets that they have barely learned. The results of the report of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Performance, in which Morocco participates regularly since 2001, were very shocking, as Morocco ranked penultimate in the classification of reading and comprehension, as it was proven that 59% of Moroccan students do not read well …!!
The high number of students who are dismissed and dropped out of school is the best evidence of this distortion that the educational system is familiar with. The student is the focus of the learning and educational process and the pivot in it. If the school cannot embrace the students, then there is no need to talk about quality, governance and good management, and there is no need to sign performance contracts in order to consolidate the governance methodology. There is no need for us to specify the age for passing the education match. There is also no need to talk about the success of Law Framework 51.17 related to the system of education, training and scientific research and its outputs. We do not need a strategic vision for education reform. We do not need a road map for education reform. There is no room for talking about improving services in public schools if priority is not given to addressing this phenomenon. Which is of interest to the various components of society and the future of the country in general, because what counts is the results, not the words…
The responsibility for children’s access to education is the responsibility of the state first, which must provide good reception structures and the necessary, sufficient and qualified human resources, and take measures related to achieving spatial justice by building boarding schools and communal schools, distributed throughout the villages and valleys of the Kingdom, because these students They are the victims of the failed educational policy followed, and the huge amounts of money that are looted from under the tables by those in charge of the sector must be investigated, as the looting of money in ambiguous ways is the habit of many weak-minded and anxious people whose smells have become stuffy in the noses, as the phenomenon of tips has spread from the suppliers And the contractors in every signature on their expenses are from those who order the disbursement, who have dreams that are covered by a ceiling of personal ambitions and winning money and positions, and they do not care at all about the fate of these students so that the level of responsibility remains below zero, and Dar Luqman remains as it is until further notice … Add to that the compensation The extravagance charged by senior officials in the sector, the latest of which is the great uproar that the corridors of the ministry have known, and the compensations of directors of academies, regional directors, and heads of departments and interests, which are estimated at billions. If they were exploited to address the phenomenon, we would not be living this tragedy…
Activating the constitutional principle that requires linking responsibility to accountability must start from here. Every national, regional or regional official who has not found solutions to this phenomenon must be held accountable.. because the real indicator of good governance, good management and shouldering responsibility is that all the people of Morocco guarantee a seat for them. In school according to the agreements related to the right to education that Morocco ratified and did not find its way to activation as required, especially with regard to children belonging to the vulnerable social class, of which it was proven that 10% of them do not attend school at all ….

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Reforming education should not be mere words, erased by successive political positions and fat financial compensations. Protecting the Moroccan school, which is considered a nursery for the future generation that will bear the responsibility of this country…. The student’s right to benefit from education within the framework of equality and equal opportunities must be a real priority and an inevitable result of every real reform, because this is the principle that is enshrined in the Kingdom’s constitution, which must work The ministry is to establish it on the ground so that it is compatible with the new development model and the promised social state…. !!

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