Home » The Dangers of High Temperatures for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: Every Degree Increases the Risk

The Dangers of High Temperatures for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: Every Degree Increases the Risk

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The Dangers of High Temperatures for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: Every Degree Increases the Risk

Patients with cardiovascular disease must be particularly cautious and cannot be exposed to high temperatures. Each degree increases the risk of death, as the cardiologist points out Furio Colivicchi, president of the Anmco (National Association of Hospital Cardiologists).

Record heat increases the risk of heart attacks. The cardiologist explains that sweating is a symptom to watch out for.

Recent studies have shown that for each increase of one degree above seasonal averages, there is an increase of more than 2% in mortality from cardiovascular causes. This is why intense heat is extremely dangerous for the heart.

Heat waves lead to unfavorable changes in the activity of the heart and circulation in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The neurovegetative system modifies its activity unfavorably, causing an increase in the heart’s frequency and the possibility of persistent tachycardias.

To protect the heart, it is crucial to avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures, especially above 26-28 degrees.

For patients with cardiovascular pathology, a holiday in the hills is preferable. Going to the beach is also an option but it is important to avoid the central hours of the day. Early morning or late afternoon is the best time to enjoy the beach.

Coffee consumption should be minimal as it can have adverse effects on the heart, further increasing the heart rate and potentially promoting arrhythmias.

Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack is crucial. Myocardial infarction is characterized by the sudden onset of intense pain on the anterior surface of the thorax, accompanied by breathlessness and cold sweats. In elderly patients, the symptoms may be atypical, such as profound tiredness or sudden fainting. Women may also experience different and less intense symptoms.

In case of a suspected heart attack, it is important to immediately call emergency services (118 in many countries) and reach the emergency room as soon as possible. Timely access to hospital facilities is crucial as effective and safe treatments, such as drugs and coronary angioplasty, are available.

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It is important for individuals with cardiovascular disease to be aware of the risks associated with high temperatures and to take necessary precautions to protect their health.

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