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700th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Thomas Aquinas Commemorated by Cardinal Semeraro

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700th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Thomas Aquinas Commemorated by Cardinal Semeraro

Celebrating the 700th Anniversary of the Canonization of Saint Thomas Aquinas

(Vatican City) – In a momentous occasion, the 700th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Thomas Aquinas was commemorated by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for Canonization, who presided over the Holy Mass in the Fossanova monastery. This special event took place on July 18, with Cardinal Semeraro acting as Pope Francis’ official envoy.

Born in 1225, Saint Thomas Aquinas became renowned for his theological writings, particularly the Summa Theologica. Known as the “Sicilian Bull” during his youth, he was often seen as a man of few words. However, his brilliance and wisdom would later become evident to the world.

During the celebratory Mass at the Fossanova monastery, Cardinal Semeraro reflected on Saint Thomas’ remarkable journey of learning. He emphasized the saint’s commitment to contemplation and his fervent faith, which allowed him to gain profound insights into the depths of knowledge.

The cardinal highlighted the inseparability of research and contemplation, stating that they are acts of bringing wisdom and love together. He praised Saint Thomas Aquinas as a shining example of this unity, showcasing how his constant contemplation and humble approach were vital for his incredible theological contributions.

Although Saint Thomas produced theological writings of unmatched depth, he regarded them as mere moments of inspiration. Cardinal Semeraro explained this perspective, quoting Antonin-Dalmace Sertillanges, a prominent figure in the Thomist school. Sertillanges suggested that Saint Thomas’ silence in his final moments stemmed from his ability to achieve difficult tasks with ease, leading him to yearn for the impossible. For Saint Thomas, silence was the highest concentration of science.

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In honor of this significant anniversary, Pope Francis sent letters to the dioceses of Latina, Sola, and Foro Bishop of Signone on June 29. The Pope referred to Saint Thomas Aquinas as a “treasure” and emphasized his importance as an example for all members of the Church to follow.

As the world celebrated the 700th anniversary of Saint Thomas Aquinas’ canonization, his impact and teachings continue to inspire and guide countless individuals. His unwavering commitment to wisdom, contemplation, and humility serves as a timeless reminder of the profound influence one person can have on the world.

For more information on this event, visit the official website of the Vatican News Network at www.vaticannews.cn.

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