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Santanchè, warranty notice for Visibilia notified on 17 July

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Santanchè, warranty notice for Visibilia notified on 17 July

Senate – Information from Minister Daniela Santanchè

Santanchè, the request for the extension of the investigation notified on 17 July

The request for extension of the investigations by the Milan prosecutor’s office, in which the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanché is being investigated with other people as part of the investigation on Visiblewas notified via mail lo last July 17 at the address of his home in Milan.

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From what has been possible to verify from Ansa, the judicial document was delivered to the addressee, Daniela Garnero Santanché, two days ago, Monday 17 July, at 11.40. The envelope containing the request for an extension of the investigation was collected by a person defined as a “house worker”.

Furthermore, from what has always been verified, the request for extension, two pages in all, was delivered to two former administrators who are among the six suspects, including a parliamentarian, for bankruptcy and false accounting: on 11 July to Davide Mantegazza and two days later, on 13 July, to Massimo Gabelli. In the request of the prosecutor Maria Gravina and the deputy Laura Pedio, there are also the names of the companion of the Minister of Tourism Dimitri Kunz and his sister Fiorella Garnero.

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