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Bell’s palsy, what is the disorder that struck the partner of Robert De Niro

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Bell’s palsy, what is the disorder that struck the partner of Robert De Niro

Tiffany Chen developed Bell’s Palsy, a neuropathy that caused her to lose all facial function. What happened?

Robert De Niro’s partner experienced terrible moments about seven days after the birth of Gia Virginia. Tiffany Chen was struck at the young age of 45 by her facial paralysis as she told CBS Mornings describing her illness.

Bell’s palsy, also called peripheral facial paralysisis a condition that affects the facial nerve, causing weakness o paralysis of the facial muscles. This ailment can appear suddenly and can be very frightening for the sufferer, but in most cases it has a positive prognosis.

What is Bell’s Palsy

This type of neuropathy affects approx 1 in 5,000 people every year and usually occurs in aged people between 15 and 60 years old. The exact causes are not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be related to a viral infection, such asherpes simplexaffecting the facial nerve.

What causes Bell’s palsy and how to fix it. Credits: Instagram @entertainmenttonight (tantasalute.it)

Symptoms of Bell’s palsy they may include sudden weakness or paralysis of one or both sides of the face, difficulty moving the eyes or blinkers, loss of sense of taste, as well as a ‘pulling’ sensation or pain behind the ear or in the jaw. These symptoms can be frightening and disabling, but in most cases, Bell’s palsy resolves on its own within weeks to months.

The diagnosis and treatment of Bell’s palsy they can be complex. Your doctor might rule out other causes of facial weakness, such as strokes or tumors, through the physical exam, laboratory tests, and imaging. Treatment may include the use of steroids, such as prednisone, to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Other medications, such as antivirals, may also be prescribed if viral infection is suspected as the cause of Bell’s palsy.

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During the period of paralysis, it is important to take care of your face and facial functions. Protecting the affected eye is essential to prevent corneal ulcers and eye infections. This can be done using special contact lenses o eye patches at night and using lubricating eye drops to keep the eyes hydrated.

Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid situations that can worsen the symptoms, such as exposure to intense cold or wind. It is also essential to follow a balanced and healthy diet, limiting the consumption of alcohol and caffeine. This is because how much these can have a negative impact on the health of the nervous system.

The facial rehabilitation it may be useful in Bell’s palsy, especially in cases where complete recovery is delayed or symptoms persist for long periods of time. This therapy may involve specific exercises to restore muscle strength and facial control, as well as massage and electrical stimulation techniques to improve circulation and nerve recovery.

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