Home » The portal of the Emilia-Romagna Cancer Registry — Salute is online on the Region’s website

The portal of the Emilia-Romagna Cancer Registry — Salute is online on the Region’s website

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The portal of the Emilia-Romagna Cancer Registry — Salute is online on the Region’s website

Councilor Donini: “A further step forward in the field of oncological management and assistance to citizens”
From the data it is possible to obtain the temporal trend and the distribution of cases, the regional incidence, the most frequent tumours. The same numbers confirm the usefulness of screening for the reduction of some oncological pathologies

20 July 2023 – What are the most frequent cancers? Do men or women get more sick from tracheal cancer? Which are the most diagnosed and where?

A photograph the number of cancer cases in our region is the Cancer Registry of Emilia-Romagnathe portal edited by the Region e online at the address https://regioneer.it/registrotumori.

A tool designed for citizens and health professionalswhich allows easy and immediate access to a wide range of information on the cancer in Emilia-Romagna: il average annual number of casesil incidence trend by year. It’s still the incidence by territorial area is that by age groupi top five most frequently diagnosed cancers in Emilia-Romagna for both men and women. Currently, validated data up to 2018 is available, as is the case for the other regional portals.

“The portal of the Emilia-Romagna Cancer Registry – comments the Councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele Donini – is another step forward in the field of oncology management and care in our region. Accurate and up-to-date data on the distribution of tumors in the region are available to patients, healthcare professionals and researchers, useful for prevention, treatment and scientific research. Another important element, therefore, which we are introducing together with the creation of the new Regional Oncological and Onco-Hematological Network”.

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The numbers

In 2018as emerges from the data available on the Cancer Registry portal, were 30.674 in Emilia-Romagna i overall diagnosed casesequal to an incidence rate of 689.9 cases per year per 100,000 inhabitants (ratio between the number of cases registered and the population residing in the area).

Dal 2006 al 2018 there is a decline in new diagnoses. The age-standardized incidence rate (European population 2013), in fact, it went from 855.5 in 2006 for men to 670.3 in 2018. Just as the incidence rate for women decreased: from 561.6 in 2006 to 522.9 in 2018.

How much, however, at territorial areas, in 2018 the highest rate standardized by age was recorded in Piacenza and Ferrara with values ​​respectively equal to 601.5 and 601.2 per 100,000 inhabitants; followed by Romagna (which also includes the territorial area of ​​the Imola AUSL) with 600.7 cases, Parma with 592.8, Reggio Emilia 571.1, Bologna with 565.2 and lastly Modena with 562.8 per 100,000 inhabitants. The values ​​do not deviate in a statistically significant way from the regional average, equal to 584.0 per 100,000.

Analyzing data for age rangeit is men and women over 70 who record the highest number of diagnosed cases: respectively 2,671.8 and 1,591.0 the rates per 100,000 inhabitants.

Finally, again in 2018 i five most frequently diagnosed cancers among the men in Emilia-Romagna they were: prostate cancer, with 3,148 cases per year (19.8%), trachea and lung (2,134, 13.4%); 1,683 cases (10.6%) involved bladder cancer, 1,232 (7.8%) colon cancer, and 877 cases were cutaneous melanoma (5.5%). The donne, on the other hand, fall ill more from breast cancer (4,494 cases, 30.4%); that of the trachea-lung is the second most diagnosed tumor also among women, with 1,308 cases (8.8%); followed by colon cancer with 1,189 cases (8.0%), corpus uteri with 712 cases (4.8%) and cutaneous melanoma with 704 cases (4.8%).

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The importance of free regional screenings

Being able to browse the data of the Emilia-Romagna Cancer Registry also allows you to notice how the cases of cancer vary especially in relation to the screening campaigns oncological free promoted by the Region, whose membership in 2022 returned to pre-pandemic levels.

For example, in 2005, the year of the introduction of screening for colorectal cancer, the incidence showed a transient peak due to initial research in a healthy population, which was expected. Subsequently, rates decreased for eight years, then stabilized again. Variations more evident in men and in the 50-69 age group, but were strong enough to affect the overall incidence (decreasing for all ages).

So it was for the progress of the tumor cervixwhose screening was introduced between 1996 and 1998: a reduction of about 40% was recorded in the 25-64 age group, then the incidence stabilized again.

Lo screening mammograficoFinally, introduced between the end of 1994 and the beginning of 1998, it rapidly led to a reduction in the incidence of advanced stage tumours. This trend, like those of colorectal and cervical cancers, was also expected and the incidence of the breast has once again stabilized.

On the other hand, oral cavity cancer in women is increasing, while stomach cancer is decreasing in both women and men, both statistically significant trends.

How the Registry is fed

The Emilia-Romagna Cancer Registry is fed by the data collected at the provincial level by the individual Registries, thus creating an important wealth of information used for scientific research, planning and monitoring of health care. Also, the Registry actively collaborates with research institutes and is linked to the national cancer registry, which has established uniform standards for different local cancer registries. The Irccs “Romagna Institute for the Study of Tumors Dino Amadori (IRST)” of Meldola (FC) is the data controller and guarantor of the administrative, technical and IT management of the Cancer Registry.

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