Home » Vaccine, third Pfizer dose 86% effective against contagion: the study from Israel

Vaccine, third Pfizer dose 86% effective against contagion: the study from Israel

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The third dose of Pfizer vaccine, one week or more inoculation, shows an efficacy against the virus of 86% among the over 60s. This is indicated by the first results of a study conducted by Maccabi, the largest health insurance fund in Israel where over 1 million people have had the booster after double immunization. The study compared nearly 150,000 people on the seventh day after the third dose, with over 675,000 individuals – divided by age, gender, social status and population group – with just 2 doses between January and February 2021, 5 months earlier. In the first group, 37 became positive, while in the second 1,064.

Vaccine, third dose in Israel and the USA. In Italy, doubtful experts: “The data are still few”

Vaccine, one million people received the third dose

In Israel, over a million people – mostly over 60s, but recently over 50s and the government will discuss tomorrow about lowering the age threshold to over 40 – have been vaccinated with the third dose. «The effectiveness of three doses of vaccine – explained doctor Anat Ekka Zohar who directed the study – is strongly protective both against infection and against serious illness. I urge anyone over 50 to get vaccinated with the third dose, both for their self-protection and for their families. The vaccine has yet again proven its effectiveness and is effective against the Delta variant. Triple immunization is the solution to break the current wave of infections ».

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Israel, new restrictions in place

The new restrictions imposed by the government in the face of the increase in cases due to the Delta variant come into force from today in Israel – three weeks before the start of the holidays. Among these, further limits on attendance at events and the reintroduction of social distancing in companies. Private meetings are limited to 100 people outdoors and 50 people indoors, while at event venues the limit is 500 outdoors and 400 indoors. Also, no event can exceed the 75% capacity of the venue. Masks are mandatory in all indoor spaces (except in your own residence) and also in outdoor meetings with at least 100 people. The obligation of the Green pass has also been extended (which applies to vaccinated, cured or with a negative test) which is now also required for children over 3 years of age. Infections are down – compared to yesterday’s record which marked over 8 thousand cases: in the last 24 hours, according to the ministry of health, there were 7,832 compared to about 143,000 swabs with a rate of 5.6%. There are 578 seriously ill patients. Meanwhile, vaccination continues at full speed with the third dose which has now exceeded one million people.

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Mandatory green pass for all activities

From today in Israel the Green Pass is mandatory to participate in any public activity. The measure, which concerns all those over three years of age, was introduced to address the increase in covid cases. Yesterday 8,726 new infections were recorded while more than 58 percent of the country’s 9.4 million inhabitants are fully vaccinated and more than a million received the third dose of the vaccine. Among the few exceptions to the obligation of the Green Pass, the places of worship, where you continue to have free access with no more than 50 people present. Children up to 12 years of age can take the tests for free.

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Israel, record of cases despite the third Pfizer dose: “The fault lies with the no-vax”

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