Home » Department of Justice Takes Legal Action Against Texas Floating Barriers on Border with Mexico

Department of Justice Takes Legal Action Against Texas Floating Barriers on Border with Mexico

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Department of Justice Takes Legal Action Against Texas Floating Barriers on Border with Mexico

Department of Justice Takes Legal Action Against Texas for Barriers on the Rio Grande

(CNN) – The Department of Justice has informed Texas of its intention to take legal action against the floating barriers that were placed in the Rio Grande as part of the state’s operation on the border with Mexico. The Justice Department claims that these barriers violate federal law and raise concerns for public safety, the environment, and humanitarian considerations.

According to sources with knowledge of the matter and a letter obtained by CNN, the Justice Department sent a letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Thursday, stating that the state’s actions violated federal law and may interfere with the federal government’s official functions. The letter cited a provision of the law that prohibits the creation of any obstruction to the navigable capacity of United States waters without authorization from the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

Texas Governor Abbott responded on Twitter, asserting that Texas has the sovereign authority to defend its border, citing the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution. Abbott claims to have sent multiple letters to the Biden administration outlining the state’s authority in border defense.

This legal action is separate from the ongoing assessment of migrant mistreatment, which the Justice Department has described as “troubling reports.” The department has previously filed lawsuits over border-related issues, including a lawsuit against Arizona last year for placing shipping containers along the southern border. Arizona ultimately agreed to remove the containers.

The news of the Justice Department’s legal action comes as more than 80 US Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to investigate Abbott’s “dangerous and cruel actions” on the southern border. The lawmakers express concern about Abbott’s border initiative, Operation Lone Star, which they claim has intensified in recent months. They allege that the placement of barbed wire and inflatable buoys in the Rio Grande creates death traps for migrants and potentially violates bilateral treaties with Mexico.

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The Texas Department of Public Safety’s inspector general has also received complaints from DPS personnel about the treatment of migrants trying to enter the United States. Among the complaints are reports that Texas police officers were instructed to push migrants into the Rio Grande and deny them water.

Biden administration officials have expressed growing concerns about Abbott’s actions along the Texas-Mexico border, stating that they are making their job difficult. The Justice Department announced on Wednesday that it is evaluating the situation on the Texas-Mexico border and working with the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies to assess the situation.

These developments indicate a further escalation in the tensions between the Biden administration and Texas over border policies. As the legal battle unfolds, the fate of the floating barriers in the Rio Grande and the overall border situation remain uncertain.

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