Home » Zhuzhou’s Grassroots Employment Services: Building a Micro-Platform for Job Opportunities

Zhuzhou’s Grassroots Employment Services: Building a Micro-Platform for Job Opportunities

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Zhuzhou, a city in China, is taking innovative steps to address grassroots employment services. In the first half of this year, the city saw the creation of 34,500 new urban jobs and the addition of 11,200 new rural labor transfer jobs.

On July 19, 60 Zhuzhou citizens embarked on a 10-day training program at the city’s Internet live broadcast base to acquire new media operation skills. This training is part of the new employment initiative called “Douyin Master”. A total of 500 individuals were recruited for this program. Upon completion, participants have the opportunity to be incubated and nurtured in the base. They can also choose to practice shop visits or edit videos from home, providing them with employment and entrepreneurship prospects.

The employment situation in Zhuzhou remains stable, thanks to the city’s prioritization of employment stabilization. To further support this goal, Zhuzhou has introduced several measures such as the “25 Measures for Stabilizing Employment” and the “15 Measures for Ensuring Residents’ Employment”. These initiatives aim to assist individuals who face challenges in finding employment, including older individuals, those with limited skills, and those with weaker employability. Additionally, the city has established grassroots employment service micro-platforms like the “Employment Post Station”, “Gig Job Home”, and “Employment Supermarket” to facilitate job searching from the comfort of one’s home. The city has also organized events like the “Hundred People, Hundred Enterprises Entering Hundred Villages” and the “311 Employment Service Festival” to connect job seekers with suitable positions.

Zhuzhou is committed to providing comprehensive support for its citizens. The city is implementing assistance measures tailored to the needs of each individual, ensuring every person receives appropriate help. Follow-up services are provided to those who have already secured employment, while those who are still searching for jobs or have been laid off receive personalized assistance until they find suitable employment.

To strengthen employment work, Zhuzhou is enhancing the leadership of the Communist Party of China in this area. The city has appointed secretaries at different levels, from cities to villages, to oversee the employment situation. Responsibilities of industry departments are also being tightened to create a collaborative environment for human resources, social security, finance, education, and veterans affairs.

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With these innovative measures in place, Zhuzhou is striving to provide employment opportunities for its citizens and contribute to the stability of the local economy.

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