Home » Exploring Opportunities and Advancing Growth: Highlights from the 12th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics in Xuzhou

Exploring Opportunities and Advancing Growth: Highlights from the 12th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics in Xuzhou

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Exploring outward and growing inward | The 12th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics ended in Xuzhou

On July 19-21, 2023, the 12th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics was successfully held in Xuzhou. Hosted by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, this three-day event was jointly sponsored by Shanghai Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Jingchuang Electric Co., Ltd. The conference was undertaken by the China IOT Pharmaceutical Logistics Branch, the China IOT Aviation Logistics Branch, and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Logistics Center Co., Ltd. Cui Zhongfu, vice president and secretary general of China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Cui Zhongfu emphasized the significant role of pharmaceutical cold chain logistics in ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical products throughout the storage, transportation, and distribution process. He mentioned the release of the “14th Five-Year Plan for Cold Chain Logistics Development,” which has accelerated the establishment of a modern medical cold chain logistics system in China. He also highlighted the strategic opportunities in the global pharmaceutical cold chain market during the “14th Five-Year Plan.” Cui Zhongfu outlined key areas of focus for the industry, including the improvement of standards, operational efficiency, and management level, as well as the promotion of international strategic layout.

Despite the promising prospects of the global pharmaceutical cold chain logistics industry, Cui Zhongfu acknowledged the challenges it faces. He mentioned issues such as poor international transportation channels for the pharmaceutical cold chain, inadequate cold chain infrastructure in some countries, and an unsound traceability information sharing mechanism. Cui Zhongfu anticipated new trends in the industry, including the accelerated construction of facility networks and the standardization and enhancement of the industry regulatory system.

The main forum of the conference aimed to explore the development of the pharmaceutical cold chain industry and reshape the pattern of the pharmaceutical industry chain. Two chapters focused on policy-based research and judgment of trends, as well as using the market as a mirror to grasp the direction. The sub-forum “Strengthening internal strength – improving quality and efficiency + risk management and control” centered on discussions of risk management, control methods, and improving the quality and efficiency of the global drug cold chain. The sub-forum “Towards the Future-Technology Empowerment + Collaborative Innovation” aimed to promote innovation, transformation, and upgrading in the pharmaceutical cold chain industry.

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Several activities were conducted during the conference, including special training on practical experience in pharmaceutical cold chain logistics operations, theme salons on the high-quality development of cold chain drug import and export, and business demand matchmaking meetings for pharmaceutical supply chains. Additionally, ceremonies were held for the eighteenth batch of pilots of the national standard for “Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Logistics Operation Standards,” as well as company licensing ceremonies for those that reached the standard.

Representatives from the conference also had the opportunity to visit Jiangsu Jingchuang Electric Co., Ltd.

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