Home » An overturned lorry loaded with tomatoes worth Rs 15 lakh was protected by the police in Telangana’s Asifabad district.

An overturned lorry loaded with tomatoes worth Rs 15 lakh was protected by the police in Telangana’s Asifabad district.

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An overturned lorry loaded with tomatoes worth Rs 15 lakh was protected by the police in Telangana’s Asifabad district.

In Asifabad district of Telangana 15 lakhs Police protection of overturned lorry loaded with tomatoes worth Rs
Mian Muslim responsible for the price of tomato: Chief Minister of Assam
Stop eating tomatoes if they have become expensive: Uttar Pradesh minister’s advice

Hyderabad: 24. July (sahrnews.com)

The prices of tomatoes have been skyrocketing for the past few days. Tomatoes are now beyond the reach of the common man. While tomatoes are a must for every dish. Among the skyrocketing prices of tomatoes, reports of theft are being received from somewhere. There are also reports of farmers being killed and tomatoes being looted. There have also been reports of an unmarried wife leaving home after putting two tomatoes in a hook. Since the beginning of the current month, tomatoes have been reported. 150 Up to Rs 250 Selling at Rs.

Assam Hemanta Biswasharman, the Chief Minister belonging to the BJP, who gave hope for better days, showed his short-mindedness and communal mentality and said that “Muslims are responsible for the increase in the price of tomatoes!!” which was strongly condemned from all sides that to hide his incompetence, failures and weaknesses, the Muslim of this country has become a favorite and a messiah for him. Social media users attacked the personality of the Chief Minister.

Yesterday, Pratibha Shukla, Minister of State for Welfare of Women and Children, Nutrition of Uttar Pradesh of the same BJP has advised the people that if the price of vegetables in the country feels unbearable, then people should stop eating tomatoes or start growing them at home. On which they are being ridiculed on social media.

In such a case, according to the information received from Kumaram Bheem Asifabad of Telangana state, immediately after a lorry loaded with tomatoes overturned, the local police took the lorry and protected the tomatoes.

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According to the details, after a lorry loaded with tomatoes overturned in Bendara village of Venkadi mandal of Kumaram Bhim Asifabad last Sunday evening, the police provided security to prevent the theft of tomatoes scattered on the road. 15 lakhs She was going to New Delhi from Kolar in Karnataka with tomatoes worth Rs.

Sub-Inspector of Police Wankedi d. Sagar said that two policemen were deployed near the lorry to prevent looting of tomatoes by local people for five hours. The police constables yesterday evening. 6 were sent to the scene of the accident at midnight who returned after reloading the tomatoes in the vehicle by midnight.

According to reports, a few local people tried to steal the tomatoes but could not because of the presence of the police at the accident site. Tomatoes packed in plastic trays were scattered on the road, attracting the attention of many people. However, the alert lorry driver, who sustained minor injuries in the accident, managed to call the local police and sought the help of the police to protect the tomatoes.

Remember that July 15 Kolar to New Delhi 22 lakhs Another lorry carrying tomatoes worth Rs overturned at Mawala Mandal center in Adilabad and four police personnel 12 The truck and tomatoes were protected for hours.

There, a truck full of tomatoes was hijacked in Karnataka this month. The truck was loaded with two tons of tomatoes, the value of which was 3 hundred thousand Police said that Rs 8 In July, a farmer from Herpur in Chitradurg district was carrying tomatoes to Kolar market for sale. On the way, his truck collided with a car and the glass of the car was broken.

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Later, the Karnataka Police arrested him in Bengaluru 2000 A couple, identified as Bhaskar and his wife Sindhuja, residents of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, have been arrested for robbing a truck loaded with kilo tomatoes. The other three accused in the case, Rakhi, Kumar and Mahesh, are absconding.

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