Home » Do you feel tired, dull, without energy? It’s not (only) the heat: it could be more serious

Do you feel tired, dull, without energy? It’s not (only) the heat: it could be more serious

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Do you feel tired, dull, without energy?  It’s not (only) the heat: it could be more serious

Stay hydrated – Street Food News

The heat knocks everyone down, both physically and mentally. However, the problem may not be just the heat. Let’s see what it is.

Summer is one of the seasons that you love as much as you hate, the main reason being the heat. High temperatures can be a problem for many people, some underestimate the symptoms of tiredness, but these are signs that must be considered.

In fact, during the warm season one feels without energy, it is difficult to carry out daily actions and consequently one believes that the cause is precisely the heat. In reality there are several reasons and dehydration is one of the main ones.

This it is a physiological response that the organism has in front of an insufficient intake of liquids. During the hot months large quantities of these are lost, the body expels them with sweat, however, excessive fluid loss leads to dehydration in the brain.

In shortage of liquids there are many side effectsin addition to physical and cognitive tiredness, the skin also peels and the mouth becomes dry, the heartbeat often accelerates and very dangerous low blood pressure conditions occur.

The effects of dehydration

Dehydration is the leading cause of exhaustion and tiredness during the summer, can lead to fever, sudden inactivity, memory lapses and irritability. We are therefore in a confused state, the mind disconnects and in fact a decrease in brain volume is associated.

Dehydration often becomes a habityou forget to drink and the extremely negative effects on the brain and mental well-being become more serious and persistent.

Dehydration – Street Food News

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Persistent dehydration: effects on the mind

For many people it is difficult to drink two liters of water every day and during the hot months, the body and mind need a higher intake, this means you are at high risk of dehydration. It is often the distractions that distract from the need to drink and the thirst stimulus goes out when not doing it becomes a habit.

Some studies have shown that in adults, dehydration has very high negative effects on moods and wakefulness or general well-being. In addition to headaches, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating and confusion, there is severe tiredness.

The biggest problem is the one concerning cognitive functions, the mind gets foggy, doesn’t process and the body doesn’t receive signals. Therefore it is essential to drink a lot and in particular when more liquids are lost, not underestimating any symptoms.

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