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Reduced violence against women

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Reduced violence against women

According to the data presented by Margarita Cabello, head of the Public Ministry, 614 women were victims of this crime in Colombia in 2022, where 7.7% of the cases were in the department of Atlántico, placing it in fourth place. at the national level. For its part, so far in 2023, in the month of January, 10 cases of feminicide were registered, a figure that amounted to 28 women victims of this crime as of the first week of February, according to the Colombian Femicide Observatory.

Given the worrying panorama, the attorney reaffirmed that women’s issues are a priority axis in the institutional framework, for which the control entity has generated, since January 2022, through the inter-institutional collaboration mechanism, 3,123 intervention alerts throughout the national territory .

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domestic violence

Domestic violence includes various types of violence, among which the following stand out: physical, sexual, psychological or emotional and economic violence.

According to figures from the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, in 2022 there were 47,771 cases of women victims of domestic violence, a figure that compared to 2021, presented an increase of 7,713 cases.

So far in 2023, there have been 3,483 cases of domestic violence and 1,516 medical-legal examinations carried out for alleged sexual crimes.

While according to information provided by the Prosecutor-Huila in terms of intrafamily violence, they have resolved 68.92% of these situations against women in the department of Huila.

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The femicides

Regarding this problem of femicides, the people of Huila have in mind the case that occurred in the municipality of Guadalupe, where Carlos Lozada Castro, who was in a vehicle, blocked the path of his former sentimental partner, Johana Melo Muñoz, and In a video from a security camera, he sees himself arguing with her, then takes a firearm out of the waistband of his pants, which he activates twice against the woman. She fell to the road, then she was helped and taken to the Hospital, where she died. While the subject escaped to the rural area on the motorcycle that was moving.

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With deep pain, the Huila department rejected the crime of the 43-year-old woman, who becomes one more number that swells the figures of gender violence in the region.

From this sad story, it was learned that the woman had ended the relationship with her murderer two days ago and the man apparently could not bear that the woman ended the relationship. Johana left five orphaned children.

In this regard, the Criminal Code establishes: “whoever causes the death of a woman, due to her condition of being a woman or for reasons of her gender identity or where any of the following circumstances have occurred or preceded, shall be imprisoned for 250 months to 500”.

Another victim of this problem is the girl María Camila Plazas Luna, who was murdered by Jonathan Francisco García in the municipality of La Plata, who had been released from jail for two days after serving a sentence for sexual abuse.

The alleged perpetrator was charged with the crime of aggravated homicide, attempted aggravated homicide and aggravated animal abuse. Family members expect him to receive an exemplary sentence for the vile murder of the minor.

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Prosecution Strategy

In this order of ideas, Dayro Fernando Herrera, Sectional Director of Prosecutors-Huila, stressed that in response to the addressing, they have implemented a strategy whose purpose is to clarify the cases from the evidentiary sufficiency and finding the alleged perpetrators of the punishable conducts.

“Crimes based on gender violence, feminicide, intrafamily and sexual violence, have decreased, due to the strategies we have carried out. We have placed 18 prosecutors who are dedicated to solving these problems, 9 of them are in the Caivas group, 6 investigate cases of domestic violence and 2 prosecutors are dedicated to solving homicides of women and cases of femicide,” the prosecutor said.

It should be remembered that one of the complaints of the victims was the lack of speed in the cases. The majority remained in impunity. Now the outlook has improved, say the judicial and police authorities.

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“In terms of femicides in Huila, we have progress of 100% of the cases resolved, two facts were presented and we resolved them. In the homicide of women, we managed to clarify 75% of the situations, in terms of sexual violence, we are in 61.7% of the cases resolved in the department”, added the Sectional director.

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