Home » Renowned Writer Michela Murgia Shares Update on Battle with Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma

Renowned Writer Michela Murgia Shares Update on Battle with Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma

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Renowned Writer Michela Murgia Shares Update on Battle with Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma

Author Michela Murgia Updates Supporters on Her Battle with Renal Cell Carcinoma

Renowned writer Michela Murgia recently provided an update on her health through an Instagram post. Murgia has been battling stage four renal cell carcinoma, an incurable disease that was announced last spring. According to doctors, Murgia may only have a few months left to live.

In her post, Murgia expressed her gratitude for the affectionate messages she receives daily, although she admitted to being too tired to reply to all of them. She also addressed the concerns raised by her supporters after a day of “social silence.”

Murgia revealed that she often visits the hospital due to unexpected health issues. She recounted a recent incident where she experienced shortness of breath caused by excess fluid in her tissues. Nevertheless, she praised the level of care provided by the healthcare system, stating that it always allows her to return home feeling better.

The writer acknowledged the difficulties of living with cancer, stating, “I can feel better, but I can no longer feel ‘well’.” Murgia highlighted the importance of cherishing the moments of feeling better while battling the disease.

Murgia also addressed the misconception that individuals who are being treated for illnesses must hide their hospital visits. She stated, “I don’t like posting photos from the hospital, but I also don’t want to hide that I go there, because this is also what people who are treated do.” She encouraged people to be grateful for the ability to seek medical treatment.

In a light-hearted tone, Murgia thanked her fans for their messages but requested that they refrain from sending food to the hospital. Humorously, she mentioned that she can no longer consume all the sweets, cheeses, and wines being sent her way, as she is no longer growing.

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Murgia’s battle with cancer is chronicled in her latest book, “Three Bowls.” In it, she rejects the idea of “struggle” when it comes to dealing with the disease. She believes that cancer can quietly grow for years without being noticed and prefers to approach her treatment through biopharmaceutical-based immunotherapy, which stimulates the immune system’s response.

Despite the incurable nature of her illness, Murgia remains hopeful that her chosen therapy will grant her additional time. She aims to gain months of life with the help of this treatment.

Although Murgia may be facing a grim prognosis, she continues to inspire her supporters with her courage and positive outlook. Her honesty and resilience in the face of adversity are a testament to her strength as both a writer and an individual.

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