Home » Detect cancer earlier: These insurances offer the best preventive care

Detect cancer earlier: These insurances offer the best preventive care

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Detect cancer earlier: These insurances offer the best preventive care

27.07.2023 – 09:00



Early detection of cancer is crucial to improve the chances of recovery. New and innovative medical technologies can help here: they have the potential to diagnose cancer earlier and more accurately than ever before. But these technologies are often expensive and not covered by many traditional health plans.

“This is where special insurance companies come in, which offer more comprehensive preventive care and cover the costs for the most modern diagnostic methods. Their goal is to make the latest advances in medicine accessible to everyone,” says pension professional Ralf Willems. In this guest article he reveals which supplementary insurances really offer reliable cancer prevention and how you can recognize them.

Early detection enables alternatives to chemotherapy

The general rule for all types of cancer is that the earlier the disease is detected, the better the chances of successfully treating it. In the early stages, invasive treatments or long and stressful chemotherapy can often be avoided. Instead, much of the cancerous or pre-cancerous tissue can be eliminated with radiation therapy or targeted surgery if found early enough.

This is possible with the modern possibilities very well and with a high success rate. For example, a PanTumDetect blood test can use a single blood sample to make the typical warning signs of cancer visible – the treating doctor can therefore quickly initiate further diagnostic and treatment measures such as CT or MRI scans and biopsy tests.

Benefits of the statutory health insurance companies are often not sufficient for effective cancer prevention

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Unfortunately, however, the protection of the statutory health insurance companies (GKV) does not by far cover all diagnostic procedures. Because many of the newest methods require specialized equipment, they are still uncommon and expensive. Bureaucratic hurdles and the high requirements for evidence-based proof of approval by the statutory health insurance also stand in the way. The statutory health insurance companies do not have the task of guaranteeing the best possible medicine, even by law. Rather, the measures must be sufficient, appropriate and economical (§12 SGB V).

Nevertheless, there are individual insurers who voluntarily offer alternative diagnostic methods and additional examinations. Such options are noted in the statutes of the respective health insurance company, which is why it is always worth doing research and, if necessary, making specific inquiries before booking additional insurance.

Closing performance gaps in statutory health insurance with supplementary cancer prevention insurance

A first-class insurance for early cancer detection is generally characterized by the fact that it covers the widest possible range of services and optimally complements the statutory health insurance. Among other things, the costs of additional screening programs for specific age groups and tests that serve to prevent certain types of cancer should be covered by insurance.

When choosing an insurance company, it is also advisable to compare the procedures and technologies they offer for the early detection of cancer. In particular, modern technologies such as PanTumDetect blood tests, liquid biopsy tests and genetic tests should be covered, which enable gentle and precise early diagnosis.

Good provision can save lives – therefore cover risks optimally

Furthermore, attention must be paid to how the age limits and the frequency of preventive medical check-ups are set. For example, while most people with statutory health insurance are only entitled to a full check-up between the ages of 18 and 35, some supplementary insurance companies already offer further examinations during this time.

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At the same time, cancer screening insurance should give patients the opportunity to have examinations at shorter intervals. For example, some insurers offer to have an annual screening, which usually takes place every two years, or even create a customized screening program.

In this way, a much earlier and more precise diagnosis is possible, so that gentle treatment approaches are often sufficient to counteract the cancer. This is a decisive factor in the chances of success of the treatment, which is why it is always worth checking the insurer’s conditions with the help of an expert.

About Ralf Willems:

Ralf Willems is an insurance consultant and founder and board member of corrigo AG. It supports people in paying significantly lower contributions within their existing health insurance for the same benefits. Ever since he found out about the innovative early detection of cancer using the PanTum Detect® blood test, he has made it his mission to draw the attention of as many people as possible to the possibilities of cancer prevention. This also includes the choice of a suitable supplementary insurance that covers important services. Because only with the right preventive care can cancer be detected early and the chances of recovery increase. Further information at: https://corrigo.ag/

Press contact:

Represented by Ralf Willems
E-Mail: [email protected]

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer
[email protected]

Original content from: CORRIGO AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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