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The China Roller Skating Marathon Open (Harbin Station) Attracts Thousands of Enthusiasts

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The China Roller Skating Marathon Open (Harbin Station) Attracts Thousands of Enthusiasts

China Roller Skating Marathon Open (Harbin Station) Brings Joy and Excitement to Participants

July 30, 2023 19:40:15

Source: Leading News·Heilongjiang Daily

Author: Xing Hanfu

On the 30th, the China Roller Skating Marathon Open (Harbin Station) took place in Harbin, attracting 6,193 roller skating enthusiasts from across the country. Athletes from 26 provinces and 136 cities gathered in Harbin to participate in this thrilling event. With the refreshing breeze accompanying them, participants enjoyed the picturesque European style and wetland scenery along the Songhua River, immersing themselves in the joy of sports.

At 9 o’clock in the morning, eager participants gathered shoulder to shoulder at the starting point on Jiangwan Road, even though the official competition was still an hour away. The staff had arrived early at the venue to ensure all necessary preparations, including inspections, security, and medical arrangements, were carried out smoothly. Some contestants were seen doing warm-up exercises such as waist stretching and leg pressing, while others took the opportunity to capture memorable moments with their loved ones.

“The roller skating marathon is all about constantly challenging yourself and discovering your potential,” said Zhang Chenfei, a passionate roller skating enthusiast. The event being held on such a grand scale in Harbin feels like a festival to the citizens, bringing excitement and increased enthusiasm among the participants.

At 10 o’clock, under the watchful eyes of the spectators, the China Roller Skating Marathon Open (Harbin Station) officially began with the sound of the starting gun. The participants, energized and ready to go, started running passionately. With 6,193 participants showcasing their passion and tenacity, the event truly demonstrated the cultural heritage of Harbin as a magnificent ice city.

The reporter observed that the participants merged into a sea of joy, exuding vitality and passion as they spread out along the straight Jiangwan Road. On the track, professional athletes charged forward, while roller skating enthusiasts put in their best efforts to keep up. The young and middle-aged participants displayed boundless energy, while others maintained a steady pace.

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The Harbin International Roller Skating Marathon track not only serves as a racing ground but also offers breathtaking scenic views. Contestants slide along Jiangwan Road, admiring the enchanting wetland scenery. “Competition results are secondary; the most important thing is to enjoy oneself while exercising,” expressed Yang Zhiqing, a contestant from Inner Mongolia.

During interviews, it was revealed that the China Roller Skating Marathon Open Harbin Station and the 2023 National Roller Skating Festival brought together 6,193 athletes from 26 provinces and 136 cities across the country. This inclusive event showcased the participation of people from all walks of life in sports and fitness, with the youngest participant being only 4 years old and the oldest being 65 years old.

The China Roller Skating Marathon Open (Harbin Station) has undoubtedly been a remarkable success, providing participants with a platform to challenge themselves, showcase their talent, and create unforgettable memories.

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