Home » The government rewrites the Pnrr: nine projects are skipped, four billion for the Ecobonus

The government rewrites the Pnrr: nine projects are skipped, four billion for the Ecobonus

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The government rewrites the Pnrr: nine projects are skipped, four billion for the Ecobonus

Pnrr, the government changes the plan: green light from the control room

The government rewrites the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. With today’s green light from the control room chaired by the Minister for European Affairs and the Pnrr, Raffaele Fitto, various measures amounting to around 16 billion euros come out of the project. These resources – assures the executive – will be reused for other interventions. The revision was necessary because some projects would not have seen the light within the 2026 deadline set by the European Union.

Here are the nine projects that jump from the Pnrr: from hydrogeological risk to the Municipalities

The nine projects skipped concern: Interventions for the enhancement of the territory and the energy efficiency of Municipalities for 6 billion, urban regeneration projects for 3.3 billion, integrated urban plans for 2.5 billion, management of flood risk and hydrogeological risk for 1.287 billion, hydrogen in hard-to-abbot sectors worth 1 billion, community social services and infrastructure for 725 million, promotion of innovative plants (including offshore) for 675 million, enhancement of assets confiscated from the mafias for 300 million, protection and enhancement of urban greenery and extra-urban for 110 million.

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Fitto: “Proposal for modification affects 144 measures”

The proposed modification that we are putting in place affects 144 measures. There are formal changes and reprogramming of resources within the same measure“, said Minister Fitto during a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.

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Pnrr, projects definanced for 15.9 billion

Fitto ensured that in the revision of the Pnrr launched by the control room – which will then be submitted to the EU commission – there are “measures that it is proposed to definance from the Pnrr and to safeguard through coverage with other sources of funding, such as the national plan complementary to the Pnrr and the cohesion policy funds.

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