Home » Wang Yi Receives Formal Invitation to Visit Washington as Chinese Foreign Minister

Wang Yi Receives Formal Invitation to Visit Washington as Chinese Foreign Minister

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Wang Yi Returns to U.S. Invitation to Chinese Foreign Minister to Visit Washington

After the removal of Qin Gang from office, the United States has extended a formal invitation to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to visit Washington once again. Wang Yi recently held meetings with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing and Jakarta. However, China has not yet confirmed whether Wang Yi will accept the invitation or when the visit will take place.

On Tuesday, US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller stated that the United States has officially invited Wang Yi, who has returned as China’s foreign minister, to visit Washington. However, he did not disclose whether China has accepted the invitation. Miller expressed the US’s hope that China will accept the invitation and that the visit will materialize, although no specific date has been arranged yet. Speculation suggests that Wang Yi may attend the UN General Assembly in New York in mid-September.

Qin Gang was suddenly dismissed after serving for less than seven months and not making any public appearances for up to a month. Wang Yi subsequently took over as China’s foreign minister. Prior to this, in July, US Assistant Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink, White House National Security Council Senior Director for China and Taiwan Affairs Sarah Beran, and other officials met with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs North America and Oceania in Washington Director Yang Tao. During this meeting, the US made it clear that its invitation to Qin Gang is still valid for his successor, Wang Yi.

The Chinese embassy in Washington stated that the two sides had a candid and constructive exchange of views during the consultation process with Qin Gang’s successor on July 31. They also maintained the necessary communication regarding high-level interactions. The US described the meeting as frank, substantive, and fruitful, and emphasized its importance in maintaining open communication channels and responsible management of bilateral relations.

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This invitation from the US comes after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent visit to China. During his visit, Blinken met with both Qin Gang and Wang Yi. Wang Yi called for the lifting of sanctions against China and emphasized the need for the US to adjust its perception of China to improve bilateral relations. The relationship between the US and China has been strained recently, with tensions rising over the Taiwan issue, the South China Sea dispute, and regional competition in the South Pacific. However, the two sides are now resuming dialogue channels, as evidenced by Blinken’s visit, as well as visits from other US officials such as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and climate envoy John Kerry.

Wang Yi’s return to the role of Chinese foreign minister marks an interesting development in China’s diplomatic landscape. In the past, notable figures such as Zhou Enlai and Chen Yi have held this position. Zhou Enlai’s presence on the international stage after the Korean War and his meetings with US officials like Henry Kissinger and President Richard Nixon were significant. Chen Yi served as foreign minister for a record 14 years. Chinese foreign ministers have also gained reputations for their personalities and temperaments. Li Zhaoxing, for example, was known for his sharp words and tough stance on the Taiwan issue. Surprisingly, Li Zhaoxing, in his octogenarians, even became a host on a popular Chinese streaming platform, Bilibili.

As the diplomatic relationship between the US and China continues to evolve, Wang Yi’s potential visit to Washington could be an important step in improving bilateral relations and addressing the challenges both countries are facing.

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