Home » Record-Breaking Rainfall: Beijing and Hebei province Grapple with Severe Flooding

Record-Breaking Rainfall: Beijing and Hebei province Grapple with Severe Flooding

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Record-Breaking Rainfall: Beijing and Hebei province Grapple with Severe Flooding

Title: Beijing Records Heaviest Rains in Over a Century, Causing Severe Flooding and Devastation

In an unprecedented turn of events, Beijing, the capital of China, has been grappling with its most extreme rainfall in 140 years. From Saturday to Wednesday morning, the city received a staggering 29.3 inches of rain, according to the Beijing Meteorological Bureau.

The heavy downpours were a result of the remnants of Typhoon Doksuri, which moved northward after striking southern Chinese provinces. This natural disaster triggered torrential rains throughout northern China, wreaking havoc on Beijing and neighboring Hebei province.

The consequences of the deluge have been dire, with severe flooding affecting both regions, resulting in dangerous water levels and widespread devastation. The floods have destroyed roads, caused power outages, and ruptured drinking water pipes, further exacerbating the situation for affected residents.

One of the hardest-hit areas has been Zhuozhou, a small city in Hebei province bordering southwest of Beijing. With the rising waters trapping numerous individuals, local police took to the Weibo social network to request assistance in the form of lamps to aid in rescue efforts.

Unfortunately, the exact number of people stranded in flooded areas in Zhuozhou and nearby towns remains unknown. Meanwhile, shocking footage surfaced, showing water from Hebei’s Gu’an county flowing through the middle of a camera pole.

Reporting from the scene, AP journalists encountered a couple risking their lives to traverse the flooded areas in an attempt to rescue a trapped family member in a neighboring town. Despite their bravery, the couple declined to be interviewed.

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Tragically, as the death toll continues to rise, Chinese authorities revealed that at least 20 people have lost their lives, with an additional 27 individuals reported as missing due to the relentless rainfall in and around Beijing.

The previous rainfall record, set in 1891, was shattered by this recent natural disaster. The Beijing Meteorological Bureau confirmed that the record was previously 24 inches, while noting that precise machine-recorded data began in 1883.

In response to the unprecedented disaster, thousands of individuals were promptly evacuated to shelters situated in schools and other public buildings in the suburbs of Beijing and surrounding cities. The severity of the flooding has caught Beijing off guard, as the city typically experiences dry summers, although this year witnessed record-breaking hot days.

As Beijing and Hebei province grapple with the aftermath of this catastrophic event, rescue operations, recovery efforts, and aid distribution continue in full swing, with authorities striving to provide support and assistance to affected individuals and communities.

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