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How much kefir can you drink? Let’s find out its possible side effects

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Kefir is a fermented drink with many beneficial properties, but if consumed excessively it can have side effects.

Creamy and refreshing, the kefir is a delicious and nutritious superfood, ricco of health benefits thanks to its nutritional value and high probiotic content.

However, drinking too much of it can cause several side effects; in fact, some people need to limit their intake or even eliminate kefir from their diet altogether.

What is kefir?

Kefir is a drink fermented by the powerful health benefits. Si makes by adding kefir grains, which are a mix of good bacteria and yeast, to cow or goat milk. The process results in a slightly acidic drink with a creamy texture very similar to yogurt.

However, you can also add kefir grains to the sugar water to make the water kefir, which is a sour and spicy drink similar to kombucha.

Has been established that both milk kefir and water kefir are rich in probiotics, a type of bacteria found in the gut that can support healthy digestion, immune function, heart health and more. Furthermore, the kefir of milk contains several key nutrients, including protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B12. (Read also: Kefir, what happens to the body by consuming a cup every day)

It may contain alcohol

Fermented foods and drinks, such as kefir, contain small amounts of alcohol. According to one Research the alcohol content may vary depending on the specific brand and type of kefir, most varieties contain 0.5-2% alcohol.

Come established, classic beer contains around 5% alcohol, while light beers generally contain around 4.2% alcohol. Although the amount of alcohol in kefir is very low and probably not a problem for most people, it could be something to keep in mind especially in case of intolerance.

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It could cause digestive problems

Increasing your intake of probiotic-rich foods very quickly can cause digestive problems. Some of the most common problems reported with the consumption of probiotics include intestinal gas, constipation and nausea.

In some cases, such as established, probiotics could also cause other gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, taste changes and decreased appetite.

However, keep in mind that these symptoms are more common with the use of probiotic supplements, which contain a more concentrated amount of good bacteria than fermented drinks like kefir. Additionally, these symptoms typically tend to subside over time with continued consumption of kefir and other probiotic-rich foods. (Read also: Water kefir: 50 Questions and Answers to the Most Frequent Doubts)

Contains carbohydrates

Although the exact nutritional content of kefir can vary by brand, it typically contains a share of carbohydrates. For example, as described by U.S.D.A. 1 cup (243 ml) of low-fat milk kefir provides about 12 grams of carbohydrates. Similarly, 1 cup (240 ml) of water kefir contains about 13 grams.

While this may not be a problem for most people, those on a low-carb diet or diet chetogenica diet they may need to limit their intake of foods that contain carbohydrates, including kefir.

Also, people with diabetes they may need to monitor carbohydrate consumption closely to manage blood sugar levels.

In addition, for those with diabetes, it may be best to limit kefir intake to 1-2 cups (237-473 ml) per day to keep blood sugar levels healthy, and be sure to monitor the amount of carbohydrates. present in kefir for the daily intake of carbohydrates. (Read also: Kefir: benefits and how to prepare milk kefir and the vegan water-based variant)

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It may not be suitable if you have immune system problems

If you have any problems with yours immune system, you should speak to your doctor before adding probiotic-rich foods such as kefir.

Although the Research typically suggest that these ingredients are likely safe for people with autoimmune diseases, some studies have linked the use of probiotics to serious side effects, such as an increased risk of infections.

Although rare, i probiotics they have also been associated with problems such as sepsis, which is a potentially dangerous complication in case of infection. However, more research is needed to determine how kefir can affect people with autoimmune disorders.

How Much Should You Drink?

Kefir can be a healthy and delicious addition to your diet. For best results, stick to around 1-3 cups (237-710ml) per day and pair it with a variety of other fermented foods and drinks to increase your probiotic intake.

However, some people may have to limit your intake depending on their daily carbohydrate quota, including people with diabetes, those on a low-carb diet, and people who do not drink alcohol.

If you experience any side effects after drinking kefir, it is good to consider reducing its intake or even stopping its consumption. (Read also: Kefir: good, but not for everyone! Possible damage and side effects)

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