Home » President Gustavo Petro Denies Accusations of Illegal Financing in Presidential Campaign

President Gustavo Petro Denies Accusations of Illegal Financing in Presidential Campaign

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Title: President Gustavo Petro Denies Son’s Accusations of Illegal Financing in Presidential Campaign

Subtitle: President warns that only the people have the power to end his government

From Sincelejo, President Gustavo Petro vehemently denied the serious accusations made by his son, Nicolás Petro, before the Prosecutor’s Office regarding the illegal financing of his presidential campaign with dirty money. The president firmly stated that he had not instructed any member of his family to engage in criminal activities or authorize illegal procedures to ensure his rise to power.

Speaking to the press, President Petro acknowledged being aware of recent developments but refrained from providing detailed information. He expressed a desire to communicate directly with the people who elected him before engaging in any interviews with journalists. “I owe the election to no one else but my people; therefore, it is to them that I must answer,” he asserted.

President Petro emphasized that his government would only end according to the popular mandate, and no external forces could influence its continuity. Dismissing any doubts about his commitment to upholding the law, he stated, “If my son’s allegations were proven true, I would resign immediately because I hold myself to a higher standard, different from my predecessors. I come from another way of understanding things, and I will not shy away from the consequences.”

Refuting the claims made by his son, President Petro declared that he had never instructed any of his children to commit crimes for the purpose of financing his campaigns or consolidating political power. He reassured the public that his sons and daughters had always been free to make their own decisions, even if they occasionally made mistakes. He categorically rejected the notion that he was complicit or involved in any form of criminal activity.

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Acknowledging the complexities of family dynamics, President Petro appealed for understanding, sharing that he had personally experienced familial pressures and conflicts in the past. He emphasized the sacrifices that come with governing a country, asserting that the transformation of a nation often requires sacrifices on a personal level.

The recent developments have taken a legal course, with Nicolás Petro and Day Vásquez facing charges of money laundering, illicit enrichment of a public servant, and violation of personal data. In a recent hearing, both defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Juan Trujillo, who had been serving as an assistant lawyer for Nicolás Petro, resigned from his position on Wednesday due to “difference in criteria.” The case continues to generate significant public interest, with many closely monitoring the court proceedings.

As the situation unfolds, President Petro remains firm in his commitment to his presidency and affirms that the truth will prevail. He reassures the Colombian people that his government will continue to be guided by the will of the people and dedicated to implementing policies that benefit the population.

Source: [News Outlet Name]

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