Home » Vintage decoration | OMA – House of Valentina

Vintage decoration | OMA – House of Valentina

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Vintage decoration |  OMA – House of Valentina

Photo: Rafael Renzo / Disclosure

When choosing the style of your home or apartment, vintage decor is a strong candidate. Betting on antique objects and with a bucolic touch that enchants, it can be a great ally when it comes to giving the home personality. And the best: it can be combined with so many other styles and it doesn’t require much effort for a great result.

How did it come about

The vintage in the decor embarks on the period from the 1920s to the 1980s, and emerges as a result of the unfolding of World War II. With reduced budgets, people began to adopt the habit of repairing and restoring antique and family furniture, prioritizing handmade work with an extended useful life.

The name “vitange” was created in reference to the grape harvest and wine making. “Vint” like “grape harvest” and “age” of age, hence the style’s intention to always seek its accoutrements in the last century: just like wine, the older the better.

Main features

The main characteristics of the style applied to the decoration are: neutral colors and pastel tones, diversification of prints, objects and antique furniture, pendants and lamps as a source of lighting.

It is worth remembering that vintage covers a wide period, from 1920 to 1980, and therefore its colors also emerged as the years advanced. In the 1970s and 80s, for example, tones become more vibrant and diverse, abandoning the idea that its color palette should always remain neutral and creating the concept of “new vintage”.

What is vintage and what is retro?

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Although they are often confused, the difference between these two styles is simple: while vintage looks for original antique furniture, retro creates pieces that imitate those of the past.

So, to have a beautiful and very well produced vintage decoration, it is worth looking for furniture in antique shops, for example. Here, panning is a fundamental part of the styling process and it will make all the difference in the final result. If you still don’t feel comfortable mixing objects and obtaining an aesthetically harmonious result, it’s worth looking for some references, like this Open House that I recorded full of collected pieces!

combining styles

For those who just want to give a vintage touch to the living room, bedroom or kitchen, it is also more than possible! In fact, the combination of styles works very well for this type of decoration.

An old typewriter on top of the counter, a radio inherited from grandparents, posters on the walls or album covers next to the TV… there are many ways to introduce vintage into your home or apartment. Below, we separate some environments that adopt this vintage touch as inspiration.

Oh! And it is worth mentioning: in addition to creating a beautiful composition, rescuing and restoring furniture and antique objects is also a sustainable act that reinforces the bonds of affection between owner and property. So it’s so worth giving the style a chance!

Project: Robert Robl Architecture and Interiors | Photos: Rafael Renzo / Disclosure

Project: Robert Robl Architecture and Interiors | Photos: Rafael Renzo / Disclosure

Project: Adriana Penteado | Photos: Rafael Renzo / Disclosure

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Photos: Pexels / Disclosure

This is content made by Casa de Valentina with the support of OMA, which in our opinion is the best company to take care of your property 😉

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