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“How to stay happy in old age”

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“How to stay happy in old age”

Man does not only consist of body and spirit – the psyche (the person who believes in something higher, says soul) also plays an important role. And just as our body or mind needs good nourishment, so does the soul.

But sometimes our psyche thwarts the “I want to stay fit” calculation. Because, let’s be honest, basically the last two decades of life have been more or less downhill in terms of our productivity, and as an aging person you quickly feel superfluous in society. That’s why I asked myself early on what it’s worth living for.

Brain training keeps me young

I have guaranteed mental fitness through several measures. At the age of 49 I completed a small, not too difficult degree. That’s why I can now work in my second job as a teacher. Having spent decades in various areas of care, I can now reasonably endure the time until retirement, which would otherwise hardly be possible. It gives me great pleasure to pass on my knowledge to future nurses.

Another important part of brain training for me is the music. After playing the guitar for many years and learning it autodidactically, I am now the happy owner of an electric piano. The opportunities offered by digital learning are enormous. At least up to a certain level, thanks to YouTube, I can learn the piano myself and cheaply. Admittedly, some days it’s not easy to sit down for an hour after work, but when you see progress, it’s very motivating.

Happiness helps with aging

In order not to fall into old-age depression, I think it’s important to accept what can’t be changed anyway and not to look too closely at the fact that one’s ability to perform is decreasing more and more. I am now giving this ability the name “The Art of Acceptance”, similar to Hesse’s “Art of Idleness”. If I manage to accept unchangeable things and not resist them, then I have already won a partial victory.

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Good contacts also play an important role. For me, that means first of all that I have to evaluate what a good contact is. I don’t want to lose myself too much in superficial things. Better one good friend than five half ones. Better one good relationship, which I also maintain, than five superficial ones. You should make sure that you have at least one person with whom you can also share your heart.

Another important detail of my soul care is that I take time throughout the day to sometimes do nothing. And by doing nothing, I really mean doing NOTHING. That takes effort, because the thought merry-go-round is constantly spinning in us, at least in most of us. It may seem nonsensical to us in this modern world, but I experience it every day that stopping my merry-go-round of thoughts is good for the soul.

Which brings us to the subject of satisfaction. Everything that makes me dissatisfied in old age, I subject to a close examination. It’s mostly things that can’t be changed. Whereby I am back to the art of assumption described above.

Exercise is also an important component of staying healthy

Especially when you work in a job that requires little movement, it is immensely important to move. Being registered at a gym is a good thing, but it’s of little use if you don’t go. Most recently, at the age of 61, I decided to do a CrossFit course. I was by far the oldest of the group and being slightly overweight it’s always a challenge. But despite all the effort, after 25 years of training, this has brought me completely new insights into my performance.

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Out of interest, I completed a small coaching course a few years ago. It allows me to adapt my training individually to my needs. For example, I had to switch my endurance training to cycling after running for many years. Osteoarthritis in both knees made this necessary.

Do you also deal with the topic of aging? Then write to us: Readers: What do you do to stay fit and healthy for as long as possible?

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