Home » Request to the federal government: New pensioners get an average of one hundred euros less

Request to the federal government: New pensioners get an average of one hundred euros less

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Request to the federal government: New pensioners get an average of one hundred euros less

Economy Inquiry to the federal government

On average, new pensioners get a hundred euros less

As of: 8:45 a.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

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Those who retired last received a hundred euros less than other pensioners. This emerges from a request from the left-wing faction to the federal government. New pensioners only received an average pension of 1275 euros per month.

According to one report, those who retired in the past year receive an average of EUR 100 less than seniors who retired earlier. According to the federal government’s response to a request from the left-wing faction, so-called existing pensioners receive an average of 1373 euros, as the “Augsburger Allgemeine” reported on Saturday. New pensioners, on the other hand, get 1275 euros. The background is therefore broken employment biographies due to the higher unemployment in recent years.

According to the report, almost only men are affected. For women, on the other hand, the development is the other way around: With 910 euros, the new pensioners have an average of 20 euros more than the pensioners. This is because women now work far more often than they used to.

The chairwoman of the board of directors of the social association Germany, Michaela Engelmeier, criticized the high risk of poverty in old age. “It cannot be that they have worked full-time all their lives and have to apply for basic security in old age because their pension is not enough,” Engelmeier told the “Augsburger Allgemeine”. She called for employment insurance for everyone, including the self-employed, civil servants and members of parliament. She also spoke out in favor of 53 instead of 48 percent for the pension level.

More and more pensioners are receiving basic security

It had previously been reported that more and more pensioners in Germany would have to top up their income with basic security in old age. According to a list by the pension insurance, a total of 454,000 pensioners received basic security in 2022. A year earlier it was 433,000, in 2020 the number was 414,000 people.

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Compared to all old-age pensions, however, the proportion of top-up pensions is growing at a low level. Pensioners whose income is not sufficient to cover their living expenses can apply for basic security in old age. The pension insurance points out that the limit above which it is recommended to have the entitlement to basic security checked is always 27 times the current pension value. Since the pension value increases annually on July 1st, the amount also increases. With a pension value of EUR 37.60, which has been in force since July, this is currently EUR 1015.20.

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