Home » Trump: ‘Every time I get indicted, I get higher in the polls’

Trump: ‘Every time I get indicted, I get higher in the polls’

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Trump: ‘Every time I get indicted, I get higher in the polls’

“Every time they file an indictment, we go up a lot in the polls.” This was stated by former US President Donald Trump during a Republican Party dinner in Alabama the day after . “We need another indictment to close this election. One more charge and this election is closed. Nobody even has a chance,” he added.

And then he went on to attack the special prosecutor, Jack Smith, who indicted him twice, first for the secret papers and now for the assault on Congress. “We are stronger every day – he said – despite the insane persecution of our movement by the corrupt and biased injustice department, and by the insane Jack Smith – doesn’t he seem crazy to you? Have you seen the photo in the purple toga? He’s a crazy human being.” “Someone said that you have to treat him well and maybe he will be nicer – he added – but let me tell you something, that guy is a lost soul, a bad person, a madman, a sick person”. And then he again accused Joe Biden of using the investigations against him to try to block his electoral advance: «What they are doing is not right and probably not even legal, they want to interfere with my campaign, with the elections, a tactic usually used in third world countries». And he then concluded: “This tactic comes from here, from third, fourth and fifth world countries, and they are taking our country to levels never seen before”.

There are four counts of charges against him for attempting to subvert the 2020 presidential election. For the third time in a few months, Donald Trump has appeared in court to hear the charges against him and, for the third time, he has pleaded not guilty after a 27-minute hearing.

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“Today is a sad day for America. There is a persecution against me, a persecution carried out by a political opponent against someone who is ahead in the polls. We cannot allow this to happen,” Trump commented as he left the courthouse on the runway at Reagan Airport.

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