Home » Pope Francis Prays for Peace and Dedicates the Church to Our Lady of Fatima

Pope Francis Prays for Peace and Dedicates the Church to Our Lady of Fatima

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Pope Francis Prays for Peace and Dedicates the Church to Our Lady of Fatima

“Pope Francis Prays for Peace at Fatima Shrine”

On the morning of August 5, Pope Francis recited the Rosary with a gathering of 200,000 people at the renowned Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. This momentous event was marked by the Pope’s heartfelt prayer for peace.

Following the solemn proceedings, Pope Francis took to his Twitter account to extend his prayer intentions to the Virgin Mary. In a tweet, he implored, “We will send the Church and the world, especially in the Nations at war, are dedicated to you.” These words exemplified the Pope’s dedication to promoting peace among nations affected by conflicts.

In a subsequent statement to the press, the director of the Holy See press office, Bruni, shared insights into Pope Francis’ profound spiritual experience during his visit to the Fatima shrine. Bruni revealed that the Pope “sorrowed and prayed for peace” during a period of “long silence” at the chapel of Our Lady. This visit had a deep impact on the Pope’s perspective, reaffirming his commitment to the pursuit of peace.

The Pope’s tweet to the Virgin Mary resonated with trust and faith in her intercession. He expressed his unwavering dedication, saying, “We dedicate our lives to you forever, with the hearts of children. We dedicate to you the Church and the world, especially countries at war.” The tweet concluded with a heartfelt plea to the Virgin Mary, requesting her assistance in navigating seemingly insurmountable obstacles: “Mother, to make a way where there seems to be no way… you untie the knots, the knots of selfishness and the cords of power.”

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This prayer to Our Lady of Fatima encapsulated the Pope’s belief in the transformative power of faith and the intercession of the Virgin Mary. He pleaded for her to fill humanity with meekness, hope, and everlasting joy, offering a guiding light even in the darkest times.

As news of Pope Francis’ prayers for peace spread, people around the world were encouraged to join him in this noble cause. The Pope’s unwavering dedication to promoting peace serves as a source of inspiration to all, emphasizing the importance of unity, compassion, and the pursuit of global harmony.

For more information on this significant event, visit the official Vatican News Network website at www.vaticannews.cn.

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