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Local Officials Accused of Exploiting Flood Disaster in Hebei Province

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Local Officials Accused of Exploiting Flood Disaster in Hebei Province

Title: Severe Floods in Hebei Province Expose Corruption and Mismanagement by Local Officials

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, August 05, 2023] – The devastating floods in Hebei Province have left millions of people affected, with Zhuozhou facing the worst consequences. A reporter from Southern Weekly, who witnessed the mishandling of the disaster by local officials, took to social media to express his anger and denounce their actions.

According to reports, the floods in Hebei Province have impacted 2.2229 million people in 98 counties and 883 towns, causing significant damage and loss. While rainfall has subsided and flood discharges in Beijing have decreased, more than 2 million people continue to suffer due to the devastating effects of the disaster. Urgent external assistance is required to alleviate the severe shortage of essential supplies faced by the affected population.

However, in Zhuozhou, the worst-hit area, local officials have been demanding that all donations made by the public be handed over to authorities. They have also refused to allow donors to intervene in the distribution of relief materials. Outraged by these actions, a reporter from Southern Weekly, named Zheng Shuo, publicly criticized the officials on his social media account.

On August 5, screenshots of Zheng Shuo’s posts regarding the situation in Zhuozhou went viral, raising suspicions that local officials were intercepting disaster relief supplies for personal gains. According to Zheng Shuo’s posts, he and his team attempted to donate two truckloads of relief supplies to Zhuozhou but were met with refusal by the town secretary who did not want outside interference. Surprisingly, the same town later reached out for help, stating that 5,000 people had no food to eat.

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The reporter claimed to have recordings of these incidents and invited other media outlets to conduct interviews to reveal the truth. Zheng Shuo expressed his frustration with the local officials, calling them out for their deceitful actions. His posts garnered support and sympathy from numerous netizens who also shared their own experiences and frustrations with similar situations.

In another post, Zheng Shuo revealed encounters with local leaders who were unaffected by the disaster and focused on personal indulgence rather than providing assistance. He also documented experiences with uncooperative cadres and a leader who neglected their responsibilities. The posts shed light on the mismanagement and corruption within the disaster response efforts in Zhuozhou.

Following the circulation of these screenshots, netizens expressed their outrage and disbelief towards the behavior of the officials. One netizen even remarked that insulting the officials would be an insult to animals, while others lamented the lack of accountability and restrictions on such individuals. Concerns were raised regarding the safety and well-being of the journalist who boldly confronted the officials.

Recent reports from netizens also highlighted instances where relief supplies were misused or misappropriated by local officials. A video posted online showed clashes between out-of-town rescue teams and the local Blue Sky Rescue team, accusing them of reselling relief supplies. These incidents further highlighted the rampant corruption and mismanagement within the disaster response efforts.

As the public demands accountability and transparency from the local officials in Zhuozhou, it is evident that urgent action is needed to rectify the situation and ensure that relief materials reach those in need. The exposure of these incidents serves as a reminder of the importance of effective governance and the responsibility of officials in times of crisis.

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(Comprehensive report by reporter Zhu Ying/Editor in charge: Lin Qing)

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