Home » Blue dollar unstoppable today: one week from PASO it jumps to $590

Blue dollar unstoppable today: one week from PASO it jumps to $590

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Blue dollar unstoppable today: one week from PASO it jumps to $590

At 2:00 p.m, The parallel dollar hits a new record again and points to a 16-peso rise so far this day, standing at a new nominal record of $590, just 10 of the round figure of $600. Meanwhile, for the purchase it operates at $585.

Regarding financial dollars, the stock market dollar is located at 521.07 for sale and the Counted with Liquidation in $567.48. Both prices cut part of the rise they had registered at the beginning of the day.

Meanwhile, the retail dollar sells for an average of $294.10, while the savings dollar stands at $509,25.

Among the exchange rates that apply to expenses abroad, with debit and credit cards of more than US$300 per month per person, the Qatar dollar has a cost of $584.40 and the “Tourist” for expenses below that limit is worth $511.35.

How the quotes started

The blue dollar started the last week before the STEP rising, keeping the tendendence that started in August. Although in the first operations of the wheel traded at levels of $575in the mnoon in the city of Buenos Aires began to raise its profile, and at 1:00 p.m. it reached $578, a new nominal record for the informal currency that continues to climb towards $600.

However, far from standing still, the price of the blue continued to climb and just half an hour later it jumped again until it climbed to the $586 for sale and $581 for purchaseafter scoring 12 pesos this Monday, August 7.

How much did the blue dollar close this Friday, August 4, 2023?

By caseSalvador Di Stefano He announced in his daily column that “the blue dollar closed the month of July at $555, increased 76.2% in one year and is on the front page of all the newspapers, when in truth it rose less than inflation.”

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According to the economist’s view, 600 is still a mark to be surpassed. “The blue dollar is one more price of the economy. In August 2022 it was at $295, if we add annual inflation to July, the blue dollar should be around $628 as a floor”, advancement. And it seems that the informal currency is heading there.

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For his part, he official dollar goes up $1.50 and trades at $279.50 to buy and $292.50 for sale on the screens of the Banco de news Argentina (BNA).

Increase in financial dollars

Meanwhile, financial dollars continue the upward trend. The MEP dollar appears on the screens of the capital market $521,78..

For his part, Cash with Settlement is showing upwards and is trading at $556.55 for purchase and $572.57 for sale.

At the moment, the Central Bank did not report the devaluation of the day. This is a figure that economic analysts are closely following, since given the pace of the last days it would be close to 11%.


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