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add a fourth dance and tickets are already sold

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add a fourth dance and tickets are already sold

A few weeks ago, La Barra and Dani Guardia announced their long-awaited reunion on stage after 10 years on their separate paths. What in principle was scheduled for a dance on August 20 in Plaza de la Música “for the only time”, became a great furor that this Monday added a new episode: there will be four presentations since to the announced functions of the days 18 and 19 a new one was added, and last? for Thursday the 17th.

La Barra and Dani Guardia, fourth dance

The group led by Javier “la Pepa” Brizuela, Carlos de Piano and Adrián Moyano announced this Monday a new function for Thursday, August 17 at midnight.

“Hello everyone, we want to tell you that due to the large number of requests we have decided to add a new function for Thursday the 17th,” Pepa and Dani say with the same announcer voice in a video posted on their social networks.

Tickets for this new performance can now be purchased through EdenEntradas and at the same price as the first two dances: $3,000 plus service charge. Finally, the last one will be the first, which aroused some complaints in the public networks that took out tickets for Sunday. Will it actually be the last?

How the idea of ​​reunion was born

The news of Guardia’s reunion with his former teammates comes after different signs of rapprochement between La Barra and the current leader of VanGuardia, who was able to form a historic duo with Brizuela and is considered one of the most transcendental members in the history of the project. .

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In fact, a short time ago the vocalist from La Barra joined Guardia at a dance anniversary of his solo career. And in 2019, Guardia had joined the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of La Barra, in what was the beginning of an idea that could only come true four years later.

During the Instagram live in which the expected reunion was announced, “La Pepa”, Guardia and De Piano told the back room of this reunion and were enthusiastic about this possibility of sharing a stage again.

“You can imagine what we are here for, right?” Brizuela said when contacting the public, who quickly began to leave their messages during the broadcast. “Some must not understand anything, surely. Some must know something,” Guardia said.

“Time has passed but hey, here we are again people”, resumed the main vocalist of La Barra, who set out to share the story behind the reunion. “After an anniversary that we did, the 25th anniversary, at the Hipólito Yrigoyen (in 2019), that Daniel accompanied us, we agreed to do a dance together. We were going to do it for Friend’s Day and the pandemic just arrived and everything cooled down, ”he said.

“But there is always a moment, there is always a place, an occasion, and we are here to present it,” added Brizuela between shared mates with De Piano and Guardia. The latter added: “It took a while but we were able to agree, more than anything with the date.”

“We are very happy, very happy. These meetings have been going on for a while, the two of them cut me up to eat tenderloin, but hey, I forgive them,” the bassist joked. “This proposal has been around for a while, it comes from before the pandemic and now, thank God, it can be done,” he added before the announcement became effective.

“La Pepa” Brizuela and Daniel Guardia, a “dynamic duo” that will meet again. (The Voice / File)

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“It’s going to be a very special night for everyone,” Brizuela summed up after August 20 was confirmed as the date and Plaza de la Música as the place for this meeting called “Another night together!”

“It is a life almost together, a life of success. I hope to enjoy that night together with everyone,” the singer said. At his turn, and while the tickets were going on sale, De Piano added: “We are going to try to prepare the most beautiful show you can imagine, there will be a lot of music.”

“We are going to do the dance from before, with four teams,” said Guardia. And Brizuela seconded it immediately. “He is greatly missed. It will be something that will bring a lot of nostalgia,” added one of the leaders of La Barra, who also considered that together with Guardia they formed a “dynamic duo” as singers. “We did not realize what we did with the people, the generations that passed and lived with us,” added Guardia, who guaranteed a “very emotional” night.

La Barra and Dani Guardia, a reunion that promises “nostalgia”. (The Voice / File)

More information

“Rouge” Gianola and the history of the quartet on YouTube: “June 4 is a national date”

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