Home » Minzolini, the crusade against Capalbio: “Persecuted for 2 years by a fine”

Minzolini, the crusade against Capalbio: “Persecuted for 2 years by a fine”

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Minzolini, the crusade against Capalbio: “Persecuted for 2 years by a fine”

The director Augusto Minzolini finally blurts out: persecuted for 2 years by the Municipality of Capalbio for a fine for speeding, he turns his protest into a political crusade against the country, already a buen retreat of the left-wing pussy and goes wild on twitter.

The first chirping, as a good reporter, is a summary of what happens when local governments are out of their minds in trying to recover money from motorists. Minzolini writes: “Fines and folders. The Municipality of Capalbio, the Athena of the left, the capital of speeding fines (70 km on a dual carriageway) persecuted me for two years with a fine for not having communicated the driver’s name. He even asked me for 643 euros for the infraction. In reality I had communicated it in time with Pec. It was only when my lawyer threatened to sue the court of accounts for wasting public money that he stopped. Question: To survive the state you must always have a lawyer ”?

Citizens survive and the state survives

And in the trend of re-twittering he insists: “Just to say that fines are a hidden tax on which many local authorities waste. If the lawyer hadn’t kept the paperwork I would have been forced to pay. In reality, the Italian citizen carries out two jobs: one to survive and one to survive the state”.

The poisoned tweet: “If I were the mayor I would have sued you for defamation”

And in the veiled political attack on the left-wing Athena, he also receives a veiled threat: “If I were the mayor of that town, I would have sued you for defamation for two reasons: persecution and for pointing it out being them on the left, as if to say that they persecute you because you are right wing. You’re just your usual right-wing victim whiner.” But the Municipality of Capalbio does not come out well: the story of messy bureaucracy gets 70,000 views on the net when just reading the Pec would have been enough.

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