Home » Germany reveals the scale of its military assistance to Ukraine

Germany reveals the scale of its military assistance to Ukraine

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Germany reveals the scale of its military assistance to Ukraine

The German government on Friday updated its list of military supplies it delivers to Ukraine for use against Russian forces. The new package includes demining tanks, reconnaissance systems and howitzers, as well as the shipment of another 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles.

Through a statement, Berlin detailed that Ukraine has received five SurveilSPIRE autonomous mobile surveillance platforms. According to their manufacturer, Estonian company Defsecinel, the trailer-based complexes are equipped with a nest of drones and “embedded AI detection ‘software’,” and do not require operators on the ground. In addition, Berlin has provided kyiv with Vector long-range reconnaissance drones.

The latest batch of military aid includes two Wisent 1 demining tanks and 11 anti-mine plows for the Soviet-made T-72 tanks. Germany has also sent two Slovak-made Zuzana 2 self-propelled howitzers to kyiv as part of a project jointly financed by Denmark and Norway.

According to the government report, Berlin plans to more than double its funding for NATO’s Strengthening Security Capabilities Initiative, compared to 2022.

The program is designed to “provide support” to “partners” in the military bloc. Last year, Germany spent 2 billion euros (2.2 billion dollars) on this plan, while by 2023 it has allocated 5.4 billion euros (5.9 billion dollars).

“These funds will be used mainly for military aid to Ukraine,” reads the text, mentioning “additional authorizations” for commitments worth 10.5 billion euros (11.5 billion dollars) in “the following years.”

The list of planned German military aid to Ukraine includes a total of 60 Marder armored vehicles, as well as 100 Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks, along with ammunition for the respective heavy equipment. Berlin also intends to send kyiv 25,500 155mm artillery shells and 18,000 man-portable anti-tank weapons.

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Germany had already supplied Ukrainian forces with 10 Leopard 1A5 tanks and 18 more modern Leopard 2A6 tanks, as well as 40 Marder armored vehicles, as part of a massive campaign of Western military aid leading up to the Kiev counter-offensive, launched in early June. Some German-made heavy equipment, including Leopard tanks, has been destroyed or captured by Russian troops after the start of the Ukrainian operation.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost more than 43,000 troops during their counteroffensive in the months of June and July, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Friday. Russian forces have destroyed more than 4,900 different types of military technical units since kyiv began its large-scale attacks. Specifically, 1,831 tanks and other types of armored vehicles were destroyed. These include 25 German Leopard tanks, 21 US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and 7 French AMX light tanks that were supplied to Ukraine. In parallel, 26 aircraft, nine helicopters, 747 field artillery pieces and mortars were destroyed, including 76 M777 systems supplied by Washington and 84 self-propelled howitzers delivered by the US, Poland, France and Germany.

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