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Avoid chemotherapy? The new discoveries of oncology

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Avoid chemotherapy?  The new discoveries of oncology

Recent advances, coupled with localized and ablative therapies, are opening new avenues for avoiding or reducing the use of traditional chemotherapy.

Of News.it editorial staff Published on August 8, 2023

Oncology is a branch of scientific research and clinical practice that studies tumors and constantly seeks new therapeutic approaches to improve the prognosis of patients with neoplasms. One of the most debated aspects in modern oncology is represented by the use of chemotherapy: although it has shown to be effective in the treatment of many types of tumors (solid and blood), its side effects and its impact on the quality of life of the patient have prompted scientific research to explore innovative alternatives.

One of the most significant advances in modern oncology relates to our growing understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells. The discovery of specific genetic and molecular alterations in tumors has paved the way for the development of targeted therapies, which selectively attack tumor cells, thus reducing the damage to surrounding healthy cells (the main drawback of traditional chemotherapy).

Molecular target therapies (Target Therapy) and Immunotherapy

Molecularly targeted therapies are based on the administration of drugs that act directly on the molecular targets involved in the growth and proliferation of tumor cells; these can be monoclonal (antibodies), inhibitors of specific enzymes or other key molecules in the oncogenic process. They can be used in combination with other therapies or as a sole treatment, depending on the type of tumor and the individual characteristics of the patient.

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Another promising frontier in oncology is immunotherapy. This therapeutic strategy exploits the patient’s immune system to fight cancer. So-called “immunotherapy” drugs can trigger a specific immune response against cancer cells or remove the “brakes” that prevent the immune system from recognizing and attacking the tumor. A systematic review of previous studies: “Clinical cancer immunotherapy: Current progress and prospects” published in the magazine Frontiers in 2022 notes that, compared with traditional chemoradiotherapy and target therapy, immunotherapy has significant advantages. Thanks to the in-depth study of the anti-tumor immune response mechanism, great progress has been made in the field of cancer immunotherapy. However, the study continues, widespread application in clinical practice without further research could give rise to phenomena of immunoresistance (basically, cancer cells could find a way to “fool” the immune system again).

Advanced diagnostics and personalized therapy

The era of precision medicine has also led to an evolution in the personalization of cancer treatments. Through genetic and molecular analyses, teams of doctors and researchers can identify specific mutations or genomic alterations in a patient’s tumorallowing targeted therapies specific to an individual’s tumor genetic profile to be selected, thus maximizing treatment efficacy, avoiding or limiting chemotherapy cycles and, therefore, minimizing adverse effects.

Genetic analysis is very often requested as a “second opinion” after the diagnosis has been issued by your doctor and while a therapeutic process is underway. The examination of the medical reports, the patient’s medical records, and specific analyzes can help to better understand the nature of the neoplasm and correct or modify the current therapy.

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In summary

Oncology is experiencing a phase of rapid development, in which new discoveries and innovative therapeutic strategies are revolutionizing the approach to the disease. Scientific research has led to the discovery of targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and personalized approaches that are redefining the landscape of cancer treatments. These advances, together with localized and ablative therapies, are opening new avenues for avoiding or reducing the use of traditional chemotherapy.

Importantly, despite significant advances in recent years, chemotherapy remains a viable treatment for many types of cancers and may still be the best option for some patients. The choice of the most appropriate treatment should always be based on a thorough assessment of the tumor, the patient’s general health status and the available therapeutic options.

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