Home » Morning or evening? This is the fastest time to lose belly fat

Morning or evening? This is the fastest time to lose belly fat

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Morning or evening?  This is the fastest time to lose belly fat

You want to lose a few kilos – but despite regular sports units, that doesn’t really work? Researchers have found the best time to lose belly fat.

One or the other may feel the need for optimization in their own body from time to time – especially around the stomach. Bacon rolls or hip gold are not only a question of aesthetics, but also one of health.

Belly fat is so dangerous

Experts repeatedly warn that the visceral fat that surrounds the internal organs, such as the digestive system in the abdominal cavity, contains pathogenic hormones.

These can promote insulin overproduction and therefore cause high blood pressure and inflammation in the body. In the worst case, a heart attack can also be the result.

In addition, there is the fact that the fat in women is increasingly deposited in the abdominal area and on the hips due to the female hormone estrogen. That’s why it makes sense for health reasons to tackle the fat deposits.

When do women lose belly fat and when do men?

Many already integrate regular sports units into everyday life, whether it is a visit to the gym or a jog through forest and meadows.

But is there a specific time to block exercise on your calendar because it’s the quickest way to melt belly fat? A US study says yes. Particularly interesting: There are big differences between men and women.

While women’s morning training makes the kilos tumble, men achieve the best results in the evening. Differences in hormones, in the biological clock and in the sleep-wake cycle could play a role here.

movement in everyday life

In addition, the study showed – regardless of gender – that exercise in the morning not only burns fat faster, but also lowers blood pressure, while exercise in the evening increases muscle strength, endurance and performance and improves general mood and the feeling of satiety.

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Of course, the best time to exercise is when it fits on the calendar. After all, it’s hard enough for non-professional athletes to integrate exercise and fitness into their fast-paced lives. Those who have to reconcile work, family and co. often cannot afford to think about the perfect time for training. The main thing is to keep moving.

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