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Cipe Mile hero from Halkidiki | Info

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Cipe Mile hero from Halkidiki |  Info

Cipe Mile from North Macedonia has been living in Thessaloniki for many years, and every Serbian who once vacationed in Greece knows about him.

Source: MONDO/Stefan Stojanović

Mile Stefanovski, better known as Cipe Mile is a man known to everyone who vacations in Greece, that is, in Halkidiki. He saved many in trouble, and he became famous with the formation of Facebook groups for vacations in Greece. He is originally from North Macedonia, but has been living in Thessaloniki for 13 years.

“Whatever you need, I’m here, even when I don’t know how at the first moment, I manage and help. It’s human to help, to be human, that’s what’s missing the most today,” said Cipe Mileta, as all Serbs on social networks know him, especially those who, just when they least need it, while they are on vacation in Greece, some trouble happens.

Cipe Mile helped in the previous days during the search for a family from Jagodina who was considered missing, since they had not contacted their loved ones for two days. Communication with the media, with doctors, border police and family, and so on until late at night, until the situation was resolved, the next day, was conducted through him. As he himself said, it was important to find the family of Serbs alive and well, as was the case in the end.

When asked how many such families from Serbia got a smile on their faces because of him, he laughs and says that he stopped counting a long time ago, but that it doesn’t matter.

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“I’m not counting anymore, there were a lot of them. People have been contacting me for years, almost since the creation of Greek groups on Facebook. That’s how I got to know you. Well, we’ve been getting along well for years,” he says.

A woman was looking for a friend she hadn’t seen in 20 years

Live from Greece Greece info… There is no group in which he is not tagged at least once a day on posts when someone needs help.

For more than seven years, his inbox on Facebook has been a gathering place for all those who have been stung by a jellyfish, who have a flat tire, who urgently need a doctor, a master…

“There were a lot of cases, but the best memory I have is a woman who was looking for a friend, they hadn’t seen each other for 20 years. She was looking everywhere, but nothing. And so, after that announcement, it took me a day or two to locate her She lived almost across the street from me. It was very emotional,” Mile tells us.

He remembers beautiful things, but he remembers sad and dismal things with bitterness in his mouth. Not because it was physically difficult for him, but because he was the only one who was there with our citizen who had to recognize the deceased family member.

“There were also those sad things. A man from Serbia was killed in traffic, before corona. I went to the recognition with a member of his family. It was very difficult for me, but I didn’t want to refuse,” says Mile with a sigh.

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Source: MONDO/Stefan Stojanović

He has lived in Greece since 2010 and graduated there. After that, around 2014, he started in the private sector, first to rent apartments through a service, and then as a real estate agent. Since this year, he is the owner of an agency that deals with the sale of real estate in the area of ​​Thessaloniki and Halkidiki.

As he says, it was this job that helped him enter the circle of benefactors of Serbs in Greece. Namely, he jumped in to help everyone who needed accommodation urgently.

“I remember the family from Serbia, the little boy swallowed a pine needle in Sithonia, he had to be transferred urgently to the hospital in Thessaloniki. I helped my parents with communication and everything. In those years, I helped them a lot to everyone who had to to the hospital, before corona I kept apartments in Thessaloniki, so I gave them free accommodation, so that they had a place to sleep while their loved ones were in the hospital,” reveals Mile.

This year, as he says, the number of those who wrote to him or tagged him on posts decreased.

“They write to me more directly, in my inbox, I guess it’s easier for people that way. That’s how family members addressed me last night. When they tag me, I don’t see it right away, because I’m working. If it’s urgent, I respond myself, without that anyone is looking for me,” says Mile.

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Source: Twitter


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