Home » Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of about 12,000 civilians in the north-east of the country due to continuous Russian bombing

Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of about 12,000 civilians in the north-east of the country due to continuous Russian bombing

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Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of about 12,000 civilians in the north-east of the country due to continuous Russian bombing

Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of about 12,000 civilians from the Kupiansk area in the Kharkiv region due to “continuous Russian bombing”. The authorities of the Kupiansk province, which is located in the north-east of the country, have announced that residents of two cities and 35 towns will be moved to “safer areas”. The evacuation order also affects 600 girls and boys.

Over the weekend, the Russian army had bombed various areas of Ukraine with dozens of missiles and drones, hitting, among other things, a blood transfusion center in Kupiansk, a city that had been occupied by Russian troops in the early days of the war. invasion, in February 2022, and was liberated by the Ukrainian army last September. The Russian Defense Ministry claims that with this latest offensive its army is advancing towards the city.

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