Home » District maintains direct attention with the communities of Minca

District maintains direct attention with the communities of Minca

by admin

The District Administration works together with civic and community leaders to deliver concrete solutions to the needs of this region.

On instructions from the mayoress Virna Johnson, the High Council for the Sierra Nevada and the Rural Zone, summoned the secretariats of Social Promotion, Inclusion and Equity; of Planning, Security and Coexistence, Health, Education, the Infrastructure Management and the ESE Alejandro Próspero Reverend, to continue directly addressing the problems that arise in the township of Minca and thus contribute to the well-being of the communities of the sector.

At the meeting, the leaders of the rural area expressed the requests and concerns of their communities, with the aim of seeking effective solutions in coordination with the different dependencies of the District of Santa Marta. Likewise, they announced the results obtained from the strategies implemented by the District Mayor’s Office.

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“The community is very happy because we were able to advance with the Sisbén, the objective was achieved and we are very grateful. We have also been working perfectly and the idea is to continue improving so that the community continues to benefit,” said Abdaris Ibarra Escobar, president of the Minca Community Action Board.

It is important to note that these positive results reflect the commitment and dedication of Mayor Virna Johnson and her management team. Her proactive and collaborative approach has generated concrete improvements in rural Minca and its surroundings.

The Santa Marta Mayor’s Office will continue to work closely with local leaders, with the aim of maintaining and expanding these achievements for the benefit of rural communities.

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