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Our favorites for every area!

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Our favorites for every area!

Hardy climbing plants are real eye-catchers all year round. Whether for greening the facade, as sun protection for the pergola or privacy screen for the terrace – they have numerous uses in the garden or on the balcony.

Evergreen hardy climbing plants

The next three species grow quickly and are real eye-catchers all year round with their bright green foliage.

Robust crawling spindle for the garden

The Emerald’n Gold creep spindle is a climber with a compact habit and beautiful green leaves with a yellow edge that turn pink in autumn. The plant is very easy to care for and robust, only needs a climbing aid in the first year and can manage without pruning. The Herzwurzler has no special requirements in terms of location and thrives just as well in the shade as in the sun. A moderately fresh, nutrient-rich soil with good drainage provides the optimal conditions for rapid growth.

Hardy climbing plants: star jasmine for the balcony

The hardy star jasmine is a bushy, slow-growing shrub that can reach a maximum height of 5 meters. However, it tolerates topiary and can be kept compact if necessary. In May and June it bears its small, filigree white flowers, which exude a gentle aroma. The star jasmine is the perfect climbing plant for the balcony, garden fence or pillar. It prefers a location in the sun, but also tolerates partial shade. A nutrient-rich soil with a high humus content promotes growth.

Evergreen scented clematis (Clematis) for the terrace

The scented clematis “Appleblossom” is a hardy plant with attractive pink-white flowers and evergreen foliage. It needs a sheltered spot and thrives best in sunny locations where its delicate leaves are protected from the strong midday sun. The flowering period begins in winter and extends into spring. The climbing plant requires trellis support and must be cut annually. The flat root needs nutrient-free soil so that it can then sprout vigorously.

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Fast-growing hardy climbing plants

The next climbing plants are not only hardy, but also score with a high growth rate.

Fast-growing pipe winch as a privacy screen

Pipevine is a particularly fast-growing plant, growing up to 10 meters tall and shooting up a staggering 1 meter per year. But it grows just as luxuriantly in width. Their purple-brown flowers adorn the shoots from June to early September. The plant is perfect for greening the facades of city villas and can successfully regulate the indoor climate. However, the pipevine has a specific smell that attracts pollinating insects and that some people find unpleasant.

Wisteria for the pergola

Wisteria is a very hardy, hardy creeper. It needs climbing assistance and regular pruning to allow it to form its large flower buds. A moderately moist, well-drained soil and a sunny to partially shaded location offer the best conditions for a long flowering period. Incidentally, the plant is also urban climate-proof, where it is mainly used for planting garden fences and facades.

Autumn flowering climbing plants

Autumn is getting closer – but that doesn’t mean that we have to do without a wonderful bloom. The next three climbing plants also set color accents outdoors in the autumn months!

Green the fence with trumpet flower

The American trumpet flower impresses with its yellow-red flowers and green foliage. The climbing plant blooms tirelessly from August to October and is a valuable food source for insects and birds. The climbing plant needs climbing support, otherwise its shoots can break under the weight of the flowers. The garden fence also protects it from the wind so that it can grow quickly.

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Repeat flowering rambler roses for rose arches

Rambler roses bear their flowers in early summer. A second flowering in late summer / early autumn is possible for varieties that flower more often. In autumn, however, the plants have something else to offer – they bear rose hips.

Particularly beautiful varieties, in our opinion, are:

‘Awakening’, a pink flowering climber that is also great as a cut flower. It prefers sunny locations, but also tolerates partial shade. “Super Dorothy” impresses with its delicate, semi-double pink flowers and its light fragrance. This variety has a high resistance to powdery mildew and, with good care, will bloom until autumn. ‘Lemon Rambler’ is a rambler rose with double, creamy flowers. This variety is particularly popular for its gentle aroma.

All three are hybrid varieties.

The evergreen honeysuckle for fences and walls

The evergreen honeysuckle is the perfect plant for fence and wall planting. It grows quickly, is undemanding and reaches a maximum height of 6 meters. You can use it practically anywhere with the right climbing aid. The climbing plant has a high ornamental value, but is not suitable as a screen or windbreak. It prefers a location in partial shade or shade and nutrient-rich, well-drained soil.

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