Home » Overdiagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Importance of Comprehensive Testing

Overdiagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Importance of Comprehensive Testing

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Overdiagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Importance of Comprehensive Testing

This disease is overdiagnosed because often not all the tests that would be necessary are done

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common problem that affects between 20% and 40% of the population in Italy. It primarily affects individuals between the ages of 20 and 50, with a higher prevalence among women. However, many doctors often use IBS as a label for intestinal disorders without thoroughly investigating the underlying cause.

The true irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, distension, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, and fatigue. These symptoms significantly impact the patient’s quality of life. The real syndrome does not have any known organic or biochemical causes to explain the symptoms. Instead, psycho-social factors, individual predisposition, visceral sensitivity, and high subjective perception of pain are believed to contribute to the condition. It is considered a psychosomatic disorder due to the continuous interaction between the intestine and the brain.

However, only 10-20% of diagnoses of irritable bowel syndrome are considered “pure” cases. This means that in most patients with presumed symptoms of IBS, there is an identifiable cause and potential cure.

When someone presents symptoms of IBS, it is essential for doctors to conduct tests to rule out other diseases such as celiac disease, gastritis, ulcers, gallbladder stones, diverticula, inflammatory colitis, polyps, or even tumors. If the test results do not indicate any of these conditions, doctors often diagnose irritable bowel syndrome, sometimes erroneously.

Nevertheless, further investigations should still be conducted at this point. Recent literature points to food intolerances and the state of the intestinal bacterial flora as potential causes of irritable bowel-like symptoms. Tests should be performed to determine if the person has lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity, histamine intolerance, intolerance to FODMAP foods, intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or intestinal dysbiosis.

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Once all potential underlying conditions have been ruled out, the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome can be made. Treatments for IBS focus on managing symptoms and reducing visceral sensitivity and pain. Antispasmodics, antidiarrheals, and supplements may be prescribed. Additionally, natural remedies like fennel or ginger tea can provide relief. In severe cases where patients remain distressed despite medical intervention, consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist may be recommended.

Irritable bowel syndrome often restricts social life due to embarrassment and discomfort. However, it is crucial to relax the mind and reduce stress levels by spending time with others and engaging in regular physical activity. It is important to approach this condition with a calm mindset, knowing that it can be controlled and will not develop into a more serious illness.

August 11 – 08:44

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