Home » Successful Implementation of Territorial Medicine Project in Val Trebbia Reduces Night and Weekday Medical Calls by 40%

Successful Implementation of Territorial Medicine Project in Val Trebbia Reduces Night and Weekday Medical Calls by 40%

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Successful Implementation of Territorial Medicine Project in Val Trebbia Reduces Night and Weekday Medical Calls by 40%

Calls to the medical guard in Val Trebbia decreased by 40% during weeknights and weekdays, thanks to the successful implementation of the territorial medicine project. The project, spearheaded by Luigi Carlo Bottaro at the Asl3, aimed to provide healthcare services to the valley’s residents, who were previously left without a family doctor.

In December 2022, when the project was launched, a staggering 60% of the valley’s population had no access to a primary healthcare provider. This compelled Bottaro and his team to develop an ambitious plan in collaboration with local mayors, addressing the healthcare needs of the region.

Over the course of the first six months, the project demonstrated its effectiveness, resulting in a significant decrease in calls to the medical guard during nights and weekdays. This reduction indicates that residents are now able to receive proper medical attention during these periods, without overwhelming the existing healthcare infrastructure.

The territorial medicine project was meticulously constructed, taking small but impactful steps towards its ultimate goal. Collaboration with mayors played a crucial role in ensuring the success of the initiative, as they contributed their knowledge of local demographics, challenges, and needs.

Bottaro’s dedication and leadership have been instrumental in bringing about positive change in Val Trebbia’s healthcare system. By addressing the pressing issue of limited access to family doctors, he has not only improved the overall health of the community but also reduced the burden on the medical guard during peak hours.

The significant drop in calls to the medical guard highlights the success of the project, indicating that residents now have better access to primary healthcare services. With this project serving as a model, other regions facing similar healthcare challenges may have a roadmap to follow, offering hope for improved healthcare across Italy.

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The territorial medicine project’s accomplishments in Val Trebbia are a testament to the effectiveness of proactive and collaborative initiatives in overcoming healthcare disparities. As the project continues to make progress, it is expected that the region’s healthcare system will experience further positive transformations, providing a higher standard of care for all residents.

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