Home » A landslide in China has killed 21 people not far from the city of Xi’an

A landslide in China has killed 21 people not far from the city of Xi’an

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A landslide in China has killed 21 people not far from the city of Xi’an

The Chinese authorities they announced that a large landslide that occurred on Friday not far from Xi’an, a large city in northwest China, killed 21 people. There are also six people still missing. The landslide destroyed some homes and left hundreds of people without electricity: it was caused by the very heavy rains generated by typhoon Khanum, which arrived in China in recent days.

In recent days, China, together with other East Asian countries, has been hit by two typhoons in a row: first, typhoon Doksuri, which had arrived in late July and had caused enormous floods also in the Beijing region, causing dozens of deaths, and then Typhoon Khanum.

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