Home » I followed the minute by minute of the PASO: almost 30% of the register has already voted

I followed the minute by minute of the PASO: almost 30% of the register has already voted

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I followed the minute by minute of the PASO: almost 30% of the register has already voted

12:40 – Néstor Grindetti and Diego Santilli voted

The pre-candidates compete in the Juntos por el Cambio internship for the post of governor of the province of Buenos Aires.

Santilli affirmed that “the way to change” the Province “is by going to vote”, and added: “I understand the anger and sadness of society, but the way to change is by going to vote.”

Grindettifor his part, asked for “a day in peace where people can express themselves en masse”

11:40 – Juan Schiaretti called to “vote en masse”

The pre-candidate for president for Hacemos por Nuestro País called “vote massively” in the PASO elections that are taking place and advocated ending “with the fights” in the country.

The Cordovan governor cast his vote around 10 in the morning at the Domingo Savio Institute in the city of Córdoba.

11:00 – Mauricio Macri pointed harshly at a political operator: “It’s a mess

Mauricio Macri went this sunday to vote Living Languages ​​Schoolin Palermo, and without the obligations of the candidates, left harsh statements, referring to the complaints about the proselytizing messages that circulated this Saturday violating the electoral ban: “I know that the attorneys are studying it, what they tell me is that the agency that did it is that of this dark operator that so many of Together for Change like to use, which is Guillermo Seita, the dog walker.”

10:45 – Juan Grabois voted and said that he visited a parish in Villa Palito because he had “concentrated bad energy”

The pre-candidate for president of Union for the Homeland, Juan Graboisrevealed that he visited the San Roque González parish, in Villa Palito, in the La Matanza party, before approaching to vote in the elections Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO) 2023. “He had some concentrated bad energies“He said after casting his ballot.

The leader of the Frente Patria Grande held a meeting with the Father Charly Olivero, member of the village pastoral, a parish that was historically carried out by Father Basílico “Bachi” Britez. At the meeting, he also shared a mateada with socio-community workers from the Guadalupe dining roomwho assists neighbors from the Matanzas neighborhood.

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10:35 – Alberto Fernández: “Whenever you vote, Argentina becomes a better country”

The President of the Nation, who will not run for reelection, stressed that “whenever you vote, Argentina becomes a better country,” and added: “Let’s keep in mind that we have been democracy for 40 years. May it be a day of joy for the vote, because it is the way to express our rights”.

On the other hand, he recognized that “I was a bit scared with electronic voting, but it was very easy.”

10:15 – Rodríguez Larreta, at the Faculty of Law: “With the vote, democracy is strengthened again”

The presidential candidate Horacio Rodriguez Larreta He approached this Sunday to cast his vote in the framework of the PASO 2023 Elections in which he competes with the former Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichand called on Argentines to “participate” on this election day because “it is important that they express their voice today.”

The Buenos Aires head of government voted shortly after 10 in the morning in the law School from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) after sharing breakfast with journalists at the restaurant “María Luján” located at Avenida Victorica 511, in Tigre, a custom of Together for Change.

8:45 – Judge María Servini warned about electronic voting: “The degree of improvisation is worrisome”

The electoral judge of the City of Buenos Aires referred to the problems that arose with the machines that generate electronic ballots.

“The degree of improvisation is worrying with which both the company contracted for the provision and installation of the voting machines, as well as the Electoral Management Institute of the City of Buenos Aires itself, have been managed,” he criticized.

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8:15 – Sergio Massa voted: “Latin America looks at this election in Argentina”

This Sunday August 13 Sergio Massa voted in the School N°34 Antarctica Argentina from the town of Tigrethe place that corresponded to him to comply with these Elections STEP 2023. As is known, he faces Juan Grabois within the framework of the internal Union for the Homeland.

The Minister of Economy and presidential candidate arrived with his wife Malena Galmarinicandidate for mayor of Tigre.

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