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How to motivate young people without education to work

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How to motivate young people without education to work

Government benefits and social benefits can prevent large numbers of people from seeking employment. The balance between social security and incentives for integration into the labor market must be found. We bring people from other countries to Germany and try miserably with them to reduce the gap in skilled workers and the similarly large gap in unskilled workers, for example by using them for the harvest. Just because young people in our own country choose to do nothing?

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There are many ideas on the markets to get people into jobs without them going through traditional training, for example through special retraining. However, the implementation of such innovative educational initiatives and alternative training paths often come up against bureaucratic hurdles and financing problems, despite the well-stocked pots for further education. Politicians must react faster and more flexibly to support such alternative educational paths and to provide financial support. Investing in education, mentoring programs and targeted support for underprivileged youth could help to reduce the number of NEETs in the long-term, while at the same time filling the gaps in the job supply. The market has many ideas.

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