Home » The Arab super offer, the dispute with Gravina: Mancini’s farewell

The Arab super offer, the dispute with Gravina: Mancini’s farewell

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The Arab super offer, the dispute with Gravina: Mancini’s farewell

It remains to be understood how it got to this point. The usual inferences of fans of various faiths who always know everything without knowing anything have started on social media, flooding twitter and company with their suspicions sold as certainties, which ranged from resignation delivered because he disagreed with Gravina’s will to bring Bonucci into his staff, or in protest after the arrival of Buffon and other sensational quarrels of this type.

The clause

Better to listen to those who are close to things, such as Alessandro Alciato, sent by Sky following the national team: «In the new contract there was a clause that provided for automatic exemption in the event of failure to qualify for Euro 2024, and Mancini didn’t like it». In reality, in the last few hours, another hypothesis has been making its way, which we really hope is not true, even if this comes from reliable sources, and that is that a shocking proposal from Saudi Arabia to coach the national team has arrived on Mancini’s table. still without a selector after Renard’s passage to the female one, with a mega contract worth 60 million per season, according to reports from calciomercato.it.

Doubts about the mode of the breakup

Sure, let’s say that in this way Mancio would put many of his generations to come in order, but in the eyes of the fans he wouldn’t really make a very good impression. It won’t take long to understand how much truth there is to this track. To arouse some doubts, however, the way of the break remains, that arid pec without an explanation, ad confirm the idea that something broke between Mancini and the FIGC.

Super coordinator

Yet just a few days ago the reorganization wanted by Gravina had reserved a role of super coordinator for the blue coach, appointing him also technical manager of the Under 20s and 21s. He had accepted and signed, but the fact remains that Mancini’s stomach aches were known to many, that he was struggling to hide his dissatisfaction with having had to face complicated situations after failing to qualify in Qatar, and with having seen how it was now extinguished that magic that was created after his arrival in 2018.

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The warning signs

Some envoys following the national team have confessed that already in June some inklings could be perceived about his possible resignationthe. And then the revolution desired by Gravina has certainly given more centrality to his role, as he has been asking for for some time, but it has also deprived him of almost all of his historical collaborators: via Evani, Nuciari and Lombardo (only Salsano survived ) and within Bollini, Barzagli and Gagliardi. With that additional automatic resignation clause, the picture becomes complete enough to understand that something had actually broken between him and Gravina and that beyond all this it weighed in any case in the choice of him so brutal and sensational.

Difficult moment for the national team

The result is that we lose a great coach, in the hope of not having to be disappointed in the esteem we have towards him. We lose him in a very difficult and delicate moment, as well as inopportune, a few days before the first qualifying rounds for the European Championships. Let’s get over it. After Mancini just one won’t be enough. He has set up a revolution, of men and of games, and it would be necessary to continue along this line. In this sense, perhaps Spalletti would be the most suitable, if only for schemes and visions. However, no one offers Conte’s certainties, because no one is capable of motivating a group like him, and in such a complicated phase he can become a decisive factor. But luckily it’s not up to us to decide.

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