Home » “From President Meloni a non-positive response. Families and businesses are waiting for compensation” — Emilia-Romagna Region

“From President Meloni a non-positive response. Families and businesses are waiting for compensation” — Emilia-Romagna Region

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“From President Meloni a non-positive response. Families and businesses are waiting for compensation” — Emilia-Romagna Region

“We have received the answer from President Meloni and unfortunately it is not positive. All the more reason, I reiterate the request for a meeting to find, together and in a spirit of collaboration, the most effective responses for people and businesses affected by the flood, who only ask for one thing: to return to normality and be able to start again. Receiving 100% of the compensation, as promised by the Government”.

Thus the president of the Region, Stefano Bonaccinifaced with the response received from the Prime Minister, Giorgia Melonito the letter he had sent him together with the mayor of the Metropolitan City of Bologna, Matthew Leporeand to the presidents of the Provinces of Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena, Michele De Pascale e Enzo Lattucathe areas most affected.

“We had posed a series of questions, obviously starting from that of compensation to citizens and businesses, and made some constructive proposals, in a spirit of collaboration in the sole interest of the Emilia-Romagna people: I reiterate the need for a meeting with the Prime Minister- he claims Bonaccini– to clarify issues that remain open and discuss requests that come from the affected communities, people and companies – and for which we act as spokesmen – in the belief that effective solutions can be found together. As part of a collaboration that we are pursuing every day with the Commissioner Sonwho has already given his willingness to meet the again Pact for Work and the Climate next 31 August precisely to prepare, with the entire regional system, the best solutions for reconstruction”.

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“I also confirm – continues the president – that beyond what has been activated by me together with the National Department of Civil Protection, nothing has arrived in terms of compensation to families and businesses affected: of course, the two Decrees adopted by the Government have defined a series of measures which however, citizens should be asked, at the moment do not appear to be working, neither for the return to normality of families, nor for the positive restart of businesses. Just as no one disregards the value of what has been done to activate social safety nets or access to credit for a part, albeit a very small one, of companies, as well as for those exporting; but I reiterate what the mayors, trade associations and trade union organizations are saying: the vast majority of companies to date not only have not received a euro of compensation, but they don’t even know how to prepare the necessary appraisals to obtain full compensation in the future damage. And still not knowing, after three months, how to request reimbursements is simply incredible ”.

Bonaccini he recalls how “the resources allocated for private reconstruction are scarce, indeed, almost negligible”. As for “public reconstruction, we are working with the Commissioner in a positive spirit and in full collaboration Son. However, I must underline that also of the figure quoted by the president Melons – the over 400 million euros for the extremely urgent interventions carried out – nothing has arrived to date in the coffers of the Municipalities, which therefore continue to be exposed, as well as the companies that have carried out these works and are not paid”.

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“We continue to ask to meet, certain that many of these problems can be solved by identifying together the best and fastest solutions for the benefit of the Emilia-Romagna people. We have also put forward constructive proposals, which would make it possible to immediately allocate over one billion euros to compensation for citizens and businesses. Knots that we hope to be able to untie – together – by confronting each other in person, in a spirit, I repeat, of collaboration: the ‘hurry’ that Meloni imputes to me is actually that of our fellow citizens. That they deserve everything except sterile controversies between institutions or the fact that they don’t have to complain because much has already been done. Unfortunately this is not the case, the prime minister can certainly ask families and businesses directly. We are here to lend a hand- he closes Bonaccini– and, as I thanked Commissioner Figliuolo for having immediately accepted the invitation to a meeting of the social partners, I trust that I will be able to do so with President Meloni as soon as she decides to meet us”.

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