Home » Medical students from the UPE give a talk on sexual education in schools

Medical students from the UPE give a talk on sexual education in schools

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Medical students from the UPE give a talk on sexual education in schools

As a University Extension project, the students of the Faculty of Medicine offer these educational talks.

Medicine students from the Universidad Privada del Este (UPE), Presidente Franco headquarters, visited the San Francisco School, as part of the University Extension Project. Its purpose is to educate young people in the community on issues related to sexuality.

During the talk they explained to the students of that educational institution what are the contraceptive methods, about the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of leading a responsible and healthy sexual life.

The development of this project in educational communities is of the utmost importance for society, since it provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to make healthy decisions in their sexual relationships and the information necessary to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. In addition, it promotes respect for one’s own body and that of others, fostering relationships based on consent and open communication.

Young people’s sexual education contributes to building a more informed, responsible and respectful society in matters of sexuality.

This activity was organized by students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the UPE, President Franco headquarters, the Permanent Committee of International Relations and the Committee of Comprehensive Health Care.

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