Home » The Curious World of Left-Handedness: 8 Fascinating Facts

The Curious World of Left-Handedness: 8 Fascinating Facts

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The Curious World of Left-Handedness: 8 Fascinating Facts

International Left-Handed Day Celebrated to Raise Awareness and Reduce Difficulties Faced by Lefties

This Sunday, August 13th, marks the celebration of International Left-Handed Day. The annual event aims to raise public awareness and reduce the challenges faced by left-handed individuals who make up approximately 10% of the world‘s population. While the definitive reason for left-handedness remains unknown, it is believed to have a genetic basis. Dean R. Campbell, founder of the ‘Left-Handers Club,’ established this day in 1976.

To shed light on this unique segment of the population, here are some intriguing facts:

1. Your Brain Determines Your Left-Handedness
The brain plays a significant role in determining whether someone is left-handed. Divided into two hemispheres, the brain controls the body in a cross manner, meaning the left hemisphere governs the right side of the body and vice versa. In the case of left-handers, the right side of their brain is dominant.

2. The Influence of Genetics
Though the exact cause of left-handedness remains mysterious, genes are thought to play a significant role. People who are left-handed often have a higher likelihood of passing this trait onto their children.

3. Historical Persecution
Being left-handed has not always been accepted or appreciated. Historically, left-handed individuals were persecuted, with notable examples including the Inquisition, which condemned and burned many of them alive, branding them as “servants of Satan.”

4. Left-Handed Celebrities
There are numerous well-known individuals who are left-handed. Scientists such as Marie Curie, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Alan Turing; astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin; artists like Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci; musicians Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain, and Bob Dylan; sports icons Maradona and Rafael Nadal, and historical figures like Adolf Hitler, Marilyn Monroe, and Charles Chaplin, were all left-handed.

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5. Left Hand, West Virginia
A town in the United States named ‘Left Hand’ exists in West Virginia. This small town had a population of fewer than 400 people in 2009.

6. The World‘s Most Famous Left-Handed Store
Founded in 1968, the Anything Left-Handed store in London, UK is renowned as the world‘s most famous left-handed store. Although it was once located on 53 Bewer Street, it has since moved online.

7. Mental Health Risks
Research published in the journal ‘Neuropsychologia’ suggests that left-handed individuals face a higher risk of certain mental health problems, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and even schizophrenia. The study notes that left-handers comprise only 10% of the population, but 20% of schizophrenics are left-handed.

8. Sinistrophobia: Fear of Left-Handedness
Sinistrophobia, defined as an abnormal fear of left-handedness and associated activities, affects some individuals. It manifests as anxiety and, in severe cases, panic attacks. The superstitions surrounding left-handedness have deeply rooted its negative connotation in those who suffer from sinistrophobia.

International Left-Handed Day serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by left-handed individuals and the need for increased understanding and inclusivity.

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