Home » Does sugar cause cancer? And must cancer patients absolutely avoid it? – breaking latest news

Does sugar cause cancer? And must cancer patients absolutely avoid it? – breaking latest news

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Does sugar cause cancer?  And must cancer patients absolutely avoid it? – breaking latest news

by Vera Martinella

To be dangerous are the extra pounds that increase the risk of getting cancer and decrease the effectiveness of treatments. Malnutrition is also very risky for patients

Sometimes they come back. And the catchphrase about cancer and sugar comes up often. With some correct information (yes, the risk of developing tumors actually increases with an excessive consumption of sugars) and other dangerously wrong (no, cancer patients must not put themselves on a strict diet, follow improbable fasts to starve cancerous cells or eliminate all traces sweet from their diet). To draw attention to the topic with a certain frequency there is the publication of some new research, because there are so many scientific studies that investigate the links between nutrition and cancer. To date, however, there is no evidence that eliminating sugars can slow down the evolution of a tumor or even make it regress – explains Riccardo Caccialanza, director of the Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Unit at the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation in Pavia – . Many reports concern data collected on laboratory mice and numerous studies have not reached definitive conclusions. Instead there is one thing we know for sure: many cancer patients lose too much weight and this causes them many difficulties.

Sweets and sweeteners

But does sugar cause cancer? Although research has clearly shown that cancerous cells consume more sugar (glucose) than healthy cells, no studies have so far documented that sweet foods can make a tumor worse, or that if you stop eating them, the lesion will get smaller. A few days ago the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Iarc of Lyon) classified aspartame as a possible carcinogen for humans (ie in group 2B) after years of studies without definitive conclusions – recalls Roberto Bordonaro, director of the Operating Unit of Medical Oncology at the Garibaldi Hospital in Catania -, but the discussion on sugars, sweeteners and cancer is broader. It must be borne in mind that a diet high in sugar (it is important to pay attention to sugary drinks, which are increasingly common) can contribute to gaining weight and extra pounds are a risk factor for various types of cancer. What we do know is that chemical additives in general are unhealthy and not a real solution to weight control.

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Danger of extra kilos

Science has now clearly ascertained that obese people risk developing more aggressive forms that are difficult to cure, just as they are more likely to have a recurrence of a previous tumor or encounter complications during treatment. In the obese patient, the treatment is likely to be reduced or excessive due to the different distribution of the drug that occurs in body fat. To limit the chances of developing a neoplasm (as well as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many other serious pathologies) it is strategic rather to keep away overweight and obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, follow a balanced diet, adequate in calorie content and with a not excessive amount of sugar – adds Bordonaro -. In particular, the type of body distribution of fat in addition to its absolute quantity increases the risk of getting cancer: visceral and abdominal fat, located deep around the central organs of the body (such as the intestine, heart, liver), and therefore not palpable, much more dangerous than the subcutaneous fat that accumulates on the surface, between the skin and muscles.

Sos weight loss in patients

On the opposite front, the needle of the balance that descends an insidious enemy of many people being treated for a neoplasm. Statistics clearly indicate that about 30% of cancer patients suffer from a state of malnutrition, or at risk of being so, already at the time of diagnosis. And with the passage of time and the succession of therapies, insufficient nutrition becomes a very common problem, affecting up to 60-80% of patients. Especially when you arrive in the advanced stages of the neoplasm or if you suffer from certain types of tumors such as those of the pancreas, esophagus, stomach, head and neck. Excessive weight loss (which should be evaluated as a vital parameter right from the diagnosis of cancer) can depend on various factors – explains Caccialanza -. It involves a greater probability of surgical complications, a lower efficacy of the therapies, their greater toxicity and worsens the patients’ quality of life, often requiring further hospitalisations. Inflammation of the oral cavity, digestive and intestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite are just some of the most frequent side effects caused by anticancer treatments, which can significantly worsen the lives of patients (even those who recover) and knowing how to choose foods most indicated can be a crucial support. There are many solutions available to doctors (starting from foods for special medical purposes) and patients and family members can also do their part by not underestimating the problem – concludes the expert -. Early identification of nutritional problems is essential for setting up appropriate and effective support.

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August 14, 2023 (change August 14, 2023 | 08:34)

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