Home » President-elect confirms Giménez from Sampedrano as the next MAG minister

President-elect confirms Giménez from Sampedrano as the next MAG minister

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President-elect confirms Giménez from Sampedrano as the next MAG minister

Dr. Carlos Giménez, is chosen as the future Minister of Agriculture and Livestock. This is how the president-elect Santiago Peña announced at a press conference, who announced another member of his cabinet to assume the head of the agrarian portfolio as of this August 15.

The announcement was made this Monday in front of his residence, as he has been doing with all the recently made official appointments, where the next head of the MAG expressed his commitment to work to respond to the families of Peasant Family Agriculture.

In this way, a sampedrano will form part of Peña’s Cabinet of Ministers. Giménez, was the former mayor of Choré, former governor of San Pedro and elected senator, who during his administration as governor had acquired 23 farm tractors to support producers.

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