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The press service of the week of vision for the nationwide information campaign from …

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The press service of the week of vision for the nationwide information campaign from …

14.08.2023 – 13:24

week of seeing

Bensheim (ots)

The 22nd edition of the Week of Vision starts on October 8th with a variety of events throughout Germany. For eight days, organizations from the fields of self-help, eye medicine and development cooperation will draw attention to the topics of vision, blindness and eye diseases. The campaign week offers the ideal opportunity to provide information in the media about eye health, the needs of affected people and the effects of visual impairment and blindness in Germany and worldwide.

New this year

With our central campaign 2023, we are focusing on children of primary school age. We are developing a board game on the theme of the eye. Children from the 3rd grade upwards should thus acquire knowledge about the topics of blindness and visual impairment in a playful way and be sensitized to their eye health at an early age. In addition, they are repeatedly encouraged to empathize with blind and visually impaired people. The game will be available for download on October 8th

The Week of Vision is already providing journalists with new press texts, including on the following topics: barrier-free household appliances, normal pressure glaucoma, eye operations on children in Tanzania. This and much more information about the eye at www.woche-des-sehens.de/presse.

This year’s motto of the week of seeing “Eyes as a window to the world” illuminates the partners of the campaign from three different perspectives.

Eyes as a window to the world – and to your own health

Eye doctors can prevent or even reverse vision loss. However, they do not only help when it comes to eye diseases. With an expert eye and supported by state-of-the-art technology, they often also recognize general diseases such as diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure, even before the patient is aware of them and before serious damage has occurred. If necessary, countermeasures can be taken here by changing one’s lifestyle, or at least treatment can begin in the early stages of the disease.

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Eyes as a window to the world – see with all your senses!

The sense of sight seems indispensable to most of us. With blind people, however, other senses take over the perception of the world. They explore their environment by hearing, touching, but also smelling and tasting. You “see” with all your senses. Self-help organizations support blind and visually impaired people in coping with their everyday lives and also broaden the perspective of sighted people by raising awareness of the situation of those affected.

Eyes as windows to the world – when children finally see

With 17 million people affected, cataracts are the most common cause of blindness worldwide. It not only occurs in old age, children are also affected. However, this eye disease is curable – through surgery. However, many families in the poorest regions of the world cannot afford this operation. That is why development cooperation partners help people in the Global South by financing eye operations, training ophthalmologists and supporting hospitals. During the Week of Seeing, under the motto “Eyes as a window to the world“, they explain what it means for people in the poorest regions of the world to be blind.

The partners of the week of vision

The Week of Seeing is supported by the Christoffel Mission for the Blind, the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists, the German Committee for the Prevention of Blindness, the German Ophthalmological Society, the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Studies and Work, and of PRO RETINA Germany. It is also supported by Aktion Mensch and ZEISS.

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We are happy to support your editorial work with reportage topics and the placement of interview partners. Contact us!

Press contact:

Focus on “Blindness and visual impairment in Germany”:
Volker Lenk
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 0163 / 486 30 34

Focus “Ophthalmology”:
Daniel Pleger
E-Mail: [email protected]

Focus on “Blindness and visual impairment worldwide”:
Marion Muhalia
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 06251 / 131-341

Original content from: Week of Vision, transmitted by news aktuell

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