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Minimum wage, Conte: government foments social disaster

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Minimum wage, Conte: government foments social disaster

Giuseppe Conte, leader of the M5s

Minimum wage: Conte, government stirs up social disaster

Talk about a “surreal meeting” on the minimum wage and notes that “after four months of discussion in Parliament, the government presented itself without a shred of solution”, but Joseph Contein an interview with Corriere della Sera, claims that «the response from citizens was enthusiastic, 100,000 signatures in one day”.

“In the autumn – he assures us – we will make the voice of the workers counteven those of the centre-right that the government does not want to listen to”. «It is not correct – resumes the M5s leader – to reopen the study phase after 4 months of discussion. With all due respect to Cnel, the government has not given us a single answer on the merits”.

«I don’t refuse confrontation with anyone, but the time to study is up. And the time to act, hence the absolutely joint decision of the opposition to make the voice of the citizens weigh. One of the answers to poor work was the citizen’s income and they dismantled it », he continues. In Meloni, Conte reproaches that “this right, if previously it was social, has become antisocial” and fears “an announced social disaster, which the government is fomenting with its inadequate measures”. thanks to the citizens, this battle will strengthen and the government will understand that it is a necessary solution. I trust in equal convergence on many other battles that we will be able to fight in the future”.

Themes that Conte also develops in two other interviews, with Repubblica a Stampa, the same ones, together with Corriere, who interviewed the Prime Minister. Even in Repubblica, therefore, he talks about “state lobbying as a method of government” and says that “they want to divide the country and create a war between the poor”.

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And to those who ask him if he does not regret having brought down the Draghi government, the M5s leader points out that “Draghi went home because there was nothing on his agenda to deal with the economic and social crisis”. From La Stampa however, the former Prime Minister recalls that on the migrant front «this year we are witnessing a tragedy of epic dimensions and the Pope’s appeal shakes our consciences. Meloni and Salvini, on the other hand, pretend not to see”.

“They have tormented us every summer about the landings and with their posts on social media they have for years emphasized the news stories concerning immigrant people, but now they divert attention from this disaster. We have – she insists – a record of landings, more than doubled, repatriations don’t work, and in Europe Meloni puts her Polish and Hungarian friends first, who don’t want to hear about the redistribution that she herself would like to promote”. – Conte reiterates – it means not having a vision”.

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